All Articles - Video Games, Cosplay, Pokemon, Spriting...

Many of these articles appear elsewhere on the site, but this is an organized list of them all. There are also some articles here that don't fit into any other section, and can be found here under "Randomness with a Sprinkle of Japanese Flavor".
All articles written by Mandy Nader unless otherwise specified.

Retro Neko

Retro Games

Classic Game Features

  1. Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom - Hey Boss, I'm Percy!
  2. Wario's Woods - I'm warnin you, Shroom!
  3. Kid Icarus - Conclusive proof that Eggplants are bad for you
  4. Vegas Dream - Risk-free gambling in a virtual Vegas
  5. Pinball - featuring a cameo by Donkey Kong-era Mario
  6. Yoshi's Cookie - The most delicious puzzler yet
  7. Monster Party - In which a cactus makes the world bleed pixellated blood
  8. Kickle Cubicle - A Winter Wonderland of puzzles
  9. Super Qix - avoid green Gremlins and clear the picture!

Classic Game Asides

SNES: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - Mallow's "Psychopath" Ability secret messages

NES: Tetris - B-Game reward screens

Classic Game Glitches and Tricks

  1. Pokemon Series Glitches
  2. Super Mario Bros. Series Glitches and Tricks
  3. Various Games - Glitches and Tricks

Video Game Collectibles & Other Oddities

Game Hardware

Trading Cards




Soundtracks and Music

Cosplay Articles

Cosplay Basics

  1. So You Want to Cosplay... (A Beginners' Guide to Cosplay)
  2. Cosplay FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions about this site's costumes)
  3. Future Projects (Costumes we have started or planned)

Step-by-Step Costume Guides & Journals

  1. Becoming Raichu
  2. The Elegant Princess Peach
  3. Link - Step by Step
  4. Katamari Royalty

Props & Accessories

  1. Cosplay Plushies Gallery - photo gallery and working guides
  2. Link's Master Sword - foam weaponry tutorial by Concolor

Who Wants to be a Superhero?

  1. The Crystal Rose - Evolution of an Original Character Design - February 2007
  2. Who Wants to be a Superhero? Auditions - February 2007
  3. Who Wants to be a Superhero? Photo Gallery - February 2007

Adventures in Engrish

  1. Adventures in Engrish - Trip 1
  2. Adventures in Engrish - Trip 2
  3. Adventures in Engrish - Trip 3

Randomness with a Sprinkle of Japanese Flavor

  1. TR Rose Makes Rice Balls - September 2003
  2. TR Rose & Concolor's Wedding - November 2002
  3. Action Figure Theater - March 2005  
  4. Super Smash Bros. Melee - June 2005
  5. The Saga of Kawaii Glitch
  6. Tracey's Page O' Sketchy Fun - April Fools' Joke, 2004
  7. PiKaBlU's PoKeGoD pAeG!!!! - April Fools' Joke, 2006

Spriting 101

  1. Introductory Lesson - Spriting Basics and Troubleshooting
  2. Lesson 1 - How to do Basic Splices
  3. Lesson 2 - All About Shading
  4. Lesson 3 - Decolors and Fake Screenshots!
  5. File Formats
  6. Spriting Resources - sprite pages ripped by me

Pokemon Articles

Team Rocket

Pokemon in General

Pokemon Game Reviews

Original Pokemon Goodies

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