Unsolved Mysteries
Fascinating... highly fascinating...
Some Pokemon mysteries may NEVER be explained...
- What happened to Gary's 6 Cheerleaders?
From "Dig Those Diglett" onward, Gary appeared in a shiny red convertible
accompanied by an unknown female (?) driver and six young cheerleaders,
whom Brock is highly attracted to. The cheerleaders actually made
their first appearance in Lost Episode #1: "Beauty and the Beach"/"Holiday
at Acapulco" as the contestants who defeated Misty (as well as Team
Rocket!) in the swimsuit contest, but were defeated by Ash's mom.
(How can this be? Unless Professor Oak was the judge...) Gary's cheerleaders
seem flaky and dumb, but they must be somewhat intelligent. While
Gary may write all of their Gary-glorifying cheers himself, the cheerleaders
make up their own victory chant for Ash in "Battle of the Badge",
which I'm SURE Gary didn't help write!
After the Indigo League competition, Gary's cheerleaders are devastated
by their hero's loss. We last see them, all sobbing, as Gary's convertible
drives away from Indigo Stadium in "the Fourth Round Rumble". After
this, the cheerleaders are never seen again.
Interestingly enough, after Gary returns to the show in "A Tent
Situation", he has lost his cheering section, as well as his nasty,
superior attitude, and gained a mysterious cape. Wonder what HIS story
- Soul of Aitwo learned the following from
the TV Toyko site: As for Gary's cheerleaders, he left them.
He encouraged them all to become seperate Pokemon Trainers. All
they did was build his ego, that was hurting his relationship with
his Pokemon, so he stopped the cheerleading. So now he grew stronger
freindships with his Pokemon, matured, become NICE, and THAT, is
what made him the GREAT Trainer He now is. The Writers don't say
it in the ep's because, they want "the new" Gary to remain mysterious.
- Chatori Shimizu writes: "There
are cheerleaders in the Johto League cheerling for him! How can
this be when he left all of them?
Plus, in the 'Search of the Doctor", a special episode in Japan,
Gary appears and there are his cheerleaders! They did NOT leave
him! I think they are not the same cheerleaders, but there are some
- What happened to Brock?
After Brock leaves the series in "Pokeball Peril", we don't hear
from him again until a short scene in "Pokemon the Movie 2000", and
then he returns to the show in "A Tent Situation", living at Ash's
house! Any mention of Valencia Island or Professor Ivy drives Brock
nuts. He turns all blue, and mutters, 'I don't want to talk about
Great, now Brock's got issues.
Any attempts to unravel this mystery lead nowhere, but EVERYONE
is curious as to what happened. Even Meowth tells him to 'come clean'
and say what really happened to make him leave Valencia Island. Meowth
suggests that maybe Brock did something really embarrassing in front
of Professor Ivy, to which Brock turns his back, muttering, 'I don't
want to talk about it!' Will we ever know Brock's story?
For my spin on this Mystery, check out my fanfic Inner
- Who Programmed the Pokedex?
Everyone who's played the Pokemon Game Boy games knows that Professor
Oak is the brilliant scientist who programmed the Pokedex. Therefore,
it is your quest to gather information for him by seeing and catching
various Pokemon all over the world. However, in "The Evolution Solution",
Professor Oak says that Professor Westwood is the programmer of the
Pokedex. Either Oak is really humble, or there's something else at
work here.
Westwood, who claims to be the electronic encyclopedia's programmer,
has only ONE Pokemon in his entire research lab. He also "makes stuff
up" about Pokemon he hasn't seen, and is totally unfamiliar with Togepi!
How can THIS be, when the Pokedex (Dexter) identified Togepi for Misty?
On top of all this, Westwood is an idiot. He frequently forgets that
HE is Westwood the 5th when looking at the family portraits, plus
he goes absolutely bonkers at the first sight of trouble.
On the other hand, the intellectual (and only occasionally scatterbrained)
Professor Oak has TONS of Pokemon in his research center. When first
seeing Misty's baby Pokemon, he remarked, "Oh! A Togepi!" In Pokemon
the Movie 2000, Oak not only knows the names and info of the Legendary
Birds, but he also realizes the havoc they could cause if the balance
of power was upset.
Think Professor Oak is the smarter of the two? Then why does he
give the credit for creating the Pokedex to the idiotic Westwood?
- Allan North replies: "Maybe Oak feels
sorry for the baka Westwood. Seems like Oak's the only truly smart
one in Pokeworld... Westwood's a nut, Ivy looks like she's stoned,
and Elm is such a scatterbrain he didn't even realize TR was right
behind him in the lab!"
- JadeTiger216 replies: "I was watching...
the second episode where they first meet Team Rocket at the Pokemon
Center. I noticed that when Officer Jenny pulled the Pokedex out
of Ash's pocket to serve as identification for him, it said, "I
am Dexter, a Pokedex programmed by Professor Oak for trainer Ash
Ketchum..." etc, etc. So was it programmed by someone else and Professor
Oak just personalized it for Twerpo? Did Westwood and Ivy and the
rest just send Oak information for his invention, and he made the
Pokedex himself?"
- Who Founded Team Rocket?
In Pokemon Live!, Ash's mom says that she knew Giovanni back when
he was starting up a gang that became Team Rocket. But how can this
be? From what I've heard, the CD Drama "The Birth of Mewtwo" takes
place before the TV anime. In the CD Drama, the Team Rocket organization
is run by "Madam Boss", Giovanni's mother. She is the one who sends
Jessie's mother (known as Miyamoto in Japan) on a dangerous mission
to find Mew on a snowy mountain. Obviously, Team Rocket has been around
for quite awhile, although the stage show makes it seem that it's
a relatively new organization.
This brings up an interesting question: is all CD Drama info going
to be left out of the US Pokemon stories? After all, we've never heard
of Mondo over here. Maybe 4Kids or whoever's in charge is creating
a modified Pokemon universe here in the US, using ONLY information
we have available here. Only dedicated fans know the whole truth!
- Jesse C writes: "Perhaps Giovanni
started it, but his mom swiped it when she discovered this gang."
- Evil Cassidy writes: "Mdm Boss founded
it & handed over to Giovannni,her son!"
- Scaff writes: "I think that
Madam Boss did start team rocket. But then maybe it was "shut
down" by some twerps. While they THOUGHT is was, it really
wasn't. Giovanni must have put it back together with newer, younger
members. So while many people forgot about the team rocket of Madam
Boss. Why? Maybe it wasn't as big on stealing as it was on finding
Mew. Obviously not many knew about Mew. Thus, not many remember
it. That's why Delia thought that Giovanni started it. It also explains
how Giovanni could have a lab right off the bat. Good planning,
- What are the Twerps' past histories?
We've seen and heard a lot about Team Rocket's past history, having
seen and heard about Jessie, James, and Meowth as children. How come
we hardly know anything about the backgrounds of Ash, Misty, Brock,
Tracey, or Pikachu?
We know a little about Misty: that she always wanted her own Princess
Dolls, and she hated being the youngest of four sisters, wanting some
recognition for herself.
This is the all the information we have regarding the "heroes" of
the anime. There is one scene of little Misty and her sisters, but
we have never seen what Ash and Brock looked like as children. (Well,
there's the one snapshot of little Ash in Pokemon 3, but still...)
And what about Pikachu? We know Meowth's entire life story, from his
birth at a summer camp, to his growing up in Hollywood, but we know
absolutely NOTHING about Pikachu before he met up with Ash. Wonder
how Professor Oak even caught the stubborn little rodent who refuses
to stay in a Pokeball???
- Interestingly enough, Ash's MOM (Delia) does have an interesting
background, as revealed in "Pokemon
Live!" the stage show. Apparently, Delia wasn't always the goody-goody
she is now. As a teenager, she hung out with a bad crowd, and was
friends with Giovanni, the Boss and "founder" (see above) of Team
Rocket! She claims that, after she met Ash's father, she straightened
out her life and became the "upstanding woman" she is now. Did Giovanni
have feelings for her? Maybe he still does.
- UPDATE: a little bit of Brock's history has been revealed in Pokemon
Advance! In the Combusken episode, Brock tells the story of how
his father (I guess before he became a deadbeat) gave Onix to the
Squinty One as a birthday present... his very first Pokemon!
- Arukenimon writes: "I heard a rumor
that Ash's Pikachu is a son of a rare Rocket's Pikachu. A Dark Pikachu
in Team Rocket may have given birth to a Pikachu & that baby might
have escaped. or maybe why Pikachu hates the Pokeball is because
it has a previous Trainer & that previous Trainer kept him in a
Pokeball & abandoned him & was later found by Prof Oak."
- Who IS Ash's father anyway?
We know he is/was a Pokemon trainer, who reached Viridian City in
four days. Supposedly, he thinks highly of Ash, and would be proud
of his accomplishments (as we hear in Episode 2). After this, "Mr.
Ketchum" is never heard of again (unless you believe that Giovanni
is really Ash's father... making for a weird Star Wars cliche). Delia
mentions "straightening her life out after meeting Ash's father"
in Pokemon Live, but that stage production isn't really official.
And besides, Ash's mom seems awfully attached to Professor Oak. Will
the real Mr. Ketchum please stand up?
- Evil Cassidy writes: "I believed
that Ash`s father`s Giovanni & that is rumored that Giovanni wanted
Ash to become the next TR leader but failed when he & Delia broke
up & Ash became a good guy!"
- Arukenimon writes: "I heard my best
friend, Evil Cassidy, wrote that it's Giovanni but I belive it's
Lance from Elite 4. But I dun think so it's true."
- Esther writes: "I think I found out
something that might go against the Giovanni-is-Ash's-Father Deal.
Remember in Mewtwo Returns, where Ash and Gio meet for (presumably)
the first time? Well I noticed that there wasn't any recognition
on either side, as others have pointed out as well. If Gio was keeping
tabs on his "son", he would (hopefully) know what Ash looked like,
so he would have recognized him, right? I would think so."
- Nekusagi writes: "Ash's Father:
Hmm... reached Viridian in 4 days. Gee, wonder who the leader of
Viridian City Gym is? Wouldnt be Giovanni, would it now? Considering
most fanboys/girls believe Viridian to be OWNED practically by TR
(how else would he operate it w.out being suspected of anything)....
His dad is very proud of him.... Yeah, I'd be proud of my
son too, if I knew he beat the stuffing out of my least favorite
Agents everyday so I wouldn't have to. Saves time, yknow?
And no, evil parentage is NOT a star wars cliche. It is an ancient
archetype, in which the persona (hero) springs from the darkness
(in this case, Gio) to eventually defeat it. Although personally
I wouldn't mind seeing Ash join Team Rocket- talk about irony.
Diamondshippers forever!!!!!!!
Once again, a theory that supports diamondshipping:
Giovanni wants to see his son, right? So don't you think it'd make
sense to take what Ash likes best to MAKE HIM COME BACK AND GET
IT? Yep. Exactly. Dragonite said something to that effect.-
- From Pianissimo-sama: "Who ever
the heck it is, it is NOT Giovonni! If you play FR/LG, and talk
to the scientist on 5 island, he'll say to you "are you Giovonni's
kid? Oh wait, he has red hair!" Notice that your RIVAL has
red hair (not brown) which is my conclusion that Giovonni is Gary's
father!!! It sounds unresonable, but still..... "
- Evil Pikachu writes: "Maybe
Giovanni's son (the one mentioned by the scientist in Island
5 in FRLG) is your rival in GSC? You know, he has red hair (Gary's
hair still looks brown to me), and he STEALS POKEMON! It could
be true, seeing all the mentionings of Johto in FRLG (especially
in the Fame Checker entries: "Bruno was dissapointed because
they were sold out of RAGECANDYBARS," "Lance has a
cousin who's a Gym Leader far away." -- who's probably
CLAIRE, the dragon gymleader in Johto -- etc.)
This was "borrowed" from a Fame Checker FAQ in GameFAQs
by Yameneko549. Here's the link to this FAQ (copy and paste
in browser, GameFAQs doesn't accept direct linking): http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvance/file/pokemon_frlg_fame_checker.txt"
- Yameneko549 writes: "Under
the "Who IS Ash's father anyway?" section, Evil Pikachu
mentioned that the G\S\C rival, Silver, known as Kamon by some,
could be Giovanni's son thanks to the Fame Checker entry for
Giovanni in Pokemon FireRed\LeafGreen. That explination is what
most people accept as a fact, and I'm going to have to agree
with it. It makes the most sense, since he seems to almost help
Team Rocket at times, such as attempting to weaken you in the
Goldenrod Underground before you fight some Rocket Grunts. He
also seems to have Giovanni's attitude towards pokemon.
There is a chance that Kamon and Ash are brothers or half
brothers, though. Because of that, the possibility of Giovanni
being Ash's father is still there.
As for Gary's hair color, it's brown.
- Dragonspirit1993 writes: "I
am positive I know who Giovanni's son is. And it's not Ash/Satoshi/Red.
For ANYONE who has looked at Pokespecial, a manga, Silver is
Giovonni's son. Who is Silver? Anyone who had played Pokemon
Silver and Gold should know. He's the guy who stole the Pokemon."

That would be Silver.
Look at that. He's there. But that still leaves the question.
Who's Ash's dad?
- Where is the Pokemon World?
Allan North brings up a very good point: where is the Pokemon story
supposed to be taking place? In addition to all the fictional locations
that the twerps and Rockets visit, there are real places in there too.
For example, Meowth grew up in Hollywood. Melvin the Magician wants
to be a star in Las Vegas. How are these two worlds connected? Does,
as Allan suggests, Mount Moon separate the two worlds? We may never
- Jesse C. replies: "I think Pokemon
Island is just that. It would be about 40 miles eaast of Hamilton,
Bermuda. Apparently, Meowth had to get plane tickets on United to
Goldenrod, someplace like that. Jessie and James would have HAD
to masquerade! Melvin probably flew to Las Vegas!"
- SLOKING replies: "I think it might
be...right here! Yep, you heard me right. I think it's right here,
but in another realm or dimension or something (I support this by
the fact that whenever Charizard uses Seismic Toss it shows him
going around Earth or an Earth-like planet)."
- Rocketqueen64 replies: "I would have
to say that it's in the future. Maybe the scientists experimented
on animals and they got powers and changed shape? Maybe it's millions
of years later."
- Natski replies: "Well it's about
the theory of where the pokemon world actually is in the series.
A wild guess would that it's supposed to be our world, only if pokemon
existed instead of animals, but on the St Anne episode, Ash sees
fish outside the window when the ship sinks, so I'm not too sure
about that one. Also, it would probably be based in some part of
remote Japan."
- Jadetiger216 replies: "I think the
Pokemon area is located everywhere. Let me explain. Maybe, a few
thousand years in the future, the continents collide again (think
Pangea), so humans decide to fly into space with animals (a modern
Noah's ark). The animals mutated and that is where Pokemon came
from. They landed back on Earth later, and relased the new Pokemon.
The only animals that survived would be the animals deep in the
ocean, hence the fish outside the window in the epi where the St
anne sunk. It also explains why they refer to Pokemon as "cat-type"
etc, when there are no cats. There used to be cats, and they mutated."
- DevMon328 writes: "Well, to
tell you the truth, it's a planet. It has the North Pole at the
top, and to the south of that is Kanto, which is on the east, and
Johto is on the west. Then the orange Islands are to the south of
those. And Hoenn is to the south (just like Antartica is at the
south, ecxept that it's not very cold in Hoenn)."
- connected2reality writes: "i
looked at a map of japan and found that there is a place called
the johto plain, or kanto plain or something like that, i believe
that pokemon is a earth just manupulated to fit a fictional setting."
- What's so special about Pikachu, anyway?
In "Pokemon Live", Giovanni wants Pikachu because it knows the only
two attacks that his Mecha-Mewtwo doesn't know: Thundershock and Thunderbolt.
But we know that Team Rocket's been after Pikachu LONG before Giovanni
ever cloned Mewtwo! What's the real reason he wants Ash's electric
rat so badly???
- Rocket Aurora writes: "I think that
Giovanni wants to CLONE Pikachu! Here's why I think this:
*He got a Mew fossil and cloned it.
*We don't know *how* he got Persian (perhaps he cloned Meowth in
his sleep? Because, after all, in the 1rst movie, Meowth's clone
didn't talk and Persian doesn't talk)
*He never says why he wants Pikachu!
*And, we don't know if he's gonna KEEP it either!
*He knows that Ash's Pikachu is special, so maybe he ants a super-clone?
Could this be true!? Maybe...Giovanni is a mysterious man. Does
he even KNOW who Ash is!? If he did, J+J would be in trouble (not
being able to get a Pokémon from a 12 year old would seem pretty
darn pathetic to him). It just all comes down to this if you ask
- Acid Bunny writes: "Truthfully, Sakaki/Giovanni
never wanted/asked for Pikachu in the anime in the first place.
He only wanted rare and powerful Pokemon. I'm not so sure that Pikachu
is that powerful--it had an electric boost from a generator in "Pokemon
Emergency" and they are certainly not rare. He didn't care for Pikachu
in the Japanese version and he also doesn't care for it in the English
dubbed anime. The only times when Giovanni mentioned Pikachu was
in that "Double Trouble" song and "Pokemon Live". Both happen to
be American creations and doesn't make any sense in relation to
what he wants in the anime."
- Alex writes: "The 'Who is Ash's Father'
mystery and the 'Why Does Giovanni Want Pikachu' mystery are related,
I think. Let's think about this. Giovanni wants only the rarest
Pokémon for his organization, Team Rocket. Yet, when he hears about
Pikachu, he is intrigued. This is the puzzling bit: Why would he
send two bumbling idiots like Jessie and James to try and catch
a rare Pokémon? Because Giovanni is Ash's father, of course! I think
Giovanni does want Pikachu, but he also wants to hear about how
his son is growing up. If Jessie and James eventually catch Pikachu,
Giovanni knows they will have no further use for Ash and they will
go after other trainers, but this way Jessie and James can watch
Ash's progress as a Pokémon Trainer and report to Giovanni, "Ash
has got 6 Badges, Boss" or "Ash's Charmeleon has evolved". If J+J
ever do catch the electric rat, this will also be good because it
means J+J are getting better at their job and Gio will be able to
trust them with harder tasks."
- Robi Ward writes: "In the second
pokemon episode (I believe it is called "Pokemon Emergency"), Meowth
remarks that Pikachu's power "far exceeds its evolutionary level."
This is apparently why Jessie and James are so interested in it
- they think it is some sort of super-Pikachu. In a sense they are
right, because that Pikachu has beaten many, many powerful Pokemon
over the course of the series, despite having one of the most inept
trainers in the world. I hope this helps answer one of your Pokemon
mysteries. Oh, and I would like to add that Jessie and James needn't
concoct any grandiose scheme to capture Pikachu - if they just make
it clear to Ash that Pikachu is exceptional and of high level, he
will probably give it to them, or let it go free, after which capturing
it will be a snap."
- Dragonite writes: "I think Giovanni
wants pikachu so he can make ash come and save pikachu then put
him on TR. As it mentions about giovanni somehow being ash's father."
- Sneasel Fan writes: "I have
a theory. In the prologue for the 1st movie, the scientist says
that many experiments which led to Mewtwo failed. We also know that
Mew learns Transform. Maybe Ash's Pikachu was a presumed failed
experiment, but it was really a Mew clone in a transformed state?
Perhaps they threw it into the wild, thinking the experiment became
just another Pikachu, but really the Pikachu became almost as powerful
as a Mew? If this theory seems incorrect because of how long ago
the cloning was, try thinking that Ash's Pikachu inherited the powers
of its father/mother."
- Electricmetabeeza writes: "I
think Pikachu's special becuse he has "special powers"
for example, in the second movie when ash and co. are on the boat,
Pikachu can sence that theres something wrong. Pikachu obviously
is the only known pokemon that could sence the danger, becuse
lots of pokemon where out on the boat ((like Tracy's scyther and
mistys starmie)) Also, Pikachu knew where the sphears where. And,
we have no idea of Pikachu's past, Oak has never revealed anything
on Pikachu, though what one theory is that his D.N.A was mixed
with a rare pokemon, prehaps mew. Pikachu was the first one to
mess up Team Rockets plan in the first place, but in epesode 2#
Meowth also sences something, about Pikachu. But it could also
be that Pikachu and Ash where destaned to meet. After all, in
epesode 1# balbasaur, charmander a squirtle where gone. Was this
Oak's own doing?"
- Monkeysaurus writes: "I think
that those two [Jessie and James] might have had a better success
record in the past. When Ash's Pikachu beat them that first time,
they might have figured that if it was strong enough to defeat them,
it might be speciel. Just a theroy, not officiol."
- Who's THAT girl?
Gemma writes, "Was flickin' thru the archives
the otha day and while watching the first series beginning for the
millionth time I suddenly spotted a girl who (unless I'm mistaken)
never made an appearance on the show. Who is she??"
In case you haven't noticed her before, she's the girl whose skirt
Pikachu jumps under (corresponding with the original Japanese theme
song lyrics, "I'll go through flame, flood, etc. and under the skirt
of the girl (Kyaaaa!)").
But who is she supposed to be??? The prototype for Misty? Gary's
mysterious sister (who never appears in the anime, but in the manga)?
Or someone else?
- Mike writes: "Maybe she's Gary's
sister but isn't she older I wonder.....She's cute.....Maybe she
was supposed to appear in the show."
- Topleka writes: "She's lass. As in,
the trainer named "Lass" who appears in the GB games to challenge
you. Same outfit, same hair style and color. I read somewhere that
she was May, Gary's sister, but I think May is older than Gary."
- Arukenimon writes: "I do believe
that this girl is Lass. Remember the traditional Pokemon Blue/Yellow/Red
version? There is this girl named LASS? I belive it's her. You can
try & check the game out for yourself. The clothes match too!
YES! She appears in the show!
Sometimes, in a crowded place in the show, like the Episode,
"DIG THOSE DIGLETTS" or the episode of St. Anne or even Mewtwo
strikes back, if you pause & search carefully in the crowd, you
will find her. She makes cameo appearences every now & then."
- What's the deal with Arcanine?
Wolfio and Rea sent a very interesting email regarding Arcanine,
one of the strongest Fire Pokemon in the whole series. I never thought
about it much before, but Arcanine's description calls it a "legendary"
Pokemon, yet it can be caught naturally, can breed, and is an evolved
Pokemon. HUH???
Here's their message: "Me and my friend... thought of a couple of
things that bugged us, and i'd like to send them here.
"First of all, the second (i think) episode of Pokemon, when Ash
talks to Oak, there is a screen. It is sqaureish, and shows Articuno,
Zapdos, Ho oh, and...Arcanine?! I not only find the fact that Ho Oh
is shown and Moltres is absent odd, but the fact that another fire
pokemon, namely Arcanine, is shown instead!
"Arcanines description says it's a 'Legendary Pokemon.' Wouldn't
you find it odd that its a so called legendary pokemon, and shown
with a Zapdos, Articuno, and Ho Oh? Also, if you think about it this
way-- Thunder and Hail come from the sky. Fire normally originates
from the GROUND. Why would the legendary fire pokemon always be in
the sky? Why not on land?
"As for Ho Oh, it's a rainbow pokemon thus would make some sense
being with the other 3. My main concern is what is Arcanine doing
with 2 legendary birds, and why is Moltres absent?
"Arcanine could have very well been a legendary pokemon, but was
taken out. Also, look at Growlithe for a minute. This could be a personal
opinion between me and my friend, but doesn't he look like the way
Mew does, like he was based OFF Arcanine rather then made before hand?
Arcanine is a fine pokemon, and i wouldn't see much of a reason why
he'd just be removed, so they made him a normal pokemon. In an attempt
to even it out, they made Moltres (who in my opinion still looks less
like a legendary bird then the other two..)
"Also, note that eevees evolutions are legendary bird-ish. Take
Jolteon for an example. Perhaps they were at one time going to be
legendary DOGS, then they changed their mind, made the legendary birds
and Arcanine, and so on? Also, this would explain why there are now
legendary dogs, which i found a little odd for them to design."
- Sonic Maurice Hedgehog writes: "Hey!
I got somethin' for ya'! It's about the Arcanine thing! You remember
when they mentioned Ho-oh being in the slate on the wall? I have
a very good theory for that. it's this, Ho-oh was origially in the
first game, but they cut him out for some reason, but left him in
the anime. Then, in G, S, & C, put him back in!"
- Arsina writes: "The pokédex
describes Arcanine as a legendary pokémon because he is a
representation of the sacred lions of the chinese mythology. Many
pokémon are resemblances of other cultures and mythology,
such as Ho-Oh (the phoenix), Ninetales (the kitsune) and, of course,
Rayquaza (the dragon)."
- Comment from TR Rose: "There
are several Pokemon that seem to be representative of different
cultures and nationalities: Natu/Xatu (Native American), Gyarados
(the Chinese dragon), Meowth (Japanese "maneki neko" or
beckoning cat), Magikarp (Japanese lucky koi). But none of these
are described as "legends". Hmm."
- Sneasel Fan writes: "Maybe Arcanine
WAS supposed to be a Moltres replacement. However, they realised
that a dog wouldn't match with two birds, so they used Moltres instead?"
- Renn Ireigh writes: "According
to serebii.net, Arcanine's Japanese name can be romanized as "Windy."
If, like many others, this name was given in the English sense of
the word, then Arcanine's original name is in keeping with the bird
theme. Besides Arcanine's description in the Pokedex as a "legend,"
his English name also bears looking at. This name is a double-meaning,
with the "Arc!" sounding like a dog's bark (in keeping with the
"Growl" of Growlithe) and, of course, the "-canine." However, "arcane"
is an English word meaning "mystery." I do not think this was incidental.
Most likely, as has been previously theorized, Arcanine was
removed from his original position as a Legendary because his type
was out of keeping with the already-established Flying Legendaries.
Then, presumably, he was given a devolved form, Growlithe. This
sequence is actually fairly common; for instance, Rhydon was created
before Rhyhorn- not to mention the devolved forms of R/B/G/Y Pokemon
which have appeared in other games, such as Elekid.
Arcanine's dog-like appearance is quite similar to Suicine
and Raikou, but he does also bear quite a resemblance to Entei.
Perhaps another explanation for Arcanine's near-Legendary status
is that he was originally designed to be a lower evolutionary form
of Entei."
- anonymous 11 year old poke fanatic writes:
"There were supposed to be the sacred elements Electricity,Ice,and
Fire.Their pokemon types depending on where they come from in the
real world electricity from the sky.Precipitation (hail/snow/rain)
from the sky. Fire starting on the ground/Earth. Ho-Oh was supposed
to be rainbow/light like the ruler of the other but the creators
thought that because the other 3 were birds they would make another
bird pokemon to take the place of Arcanine you know to go with the
flow. This decision was made after that episode with the tablets
thats why in the first episode Ho-oh was seen flying over head of
Ash they hadnt made that decision yet.I dont really know why Ho-oh
wasnt put in R/B/Y probably because Moltres had been added.Growlithe
was made after Arcanine to make it like a common pokemon."
- The Mysterious Truck in R/B/Y
Many of the original "Fake Mew" scams have to do with a truck that
is found by Surfing around the area by the S.S. Anne. Many of the
rumors involve using Strength on this truck and finding a Poke Ball
containing Mew. However, this is impossible, even if you use Strength
with level 100 Pokemon. This rumor is still around because most players
got the Cut HM, and their ship left. The only way to see this truck
is to 1) transfer a Pokemon who knows Cut from another version and
don't get it from the St. Anne, or 2) lose a battle on the ship and
it will stay.
Tom O'Tey writes:
"I remember something
from one of my R/B/Y games, where if you transfered a Pokemon who
knows Cut before the St. Anne leaves, then gain the Surf ability and
Surf over to the side of land in the boat area, there will be a truck,
and in the Celadon Game Center, there will be some keys in the seat
at the machine in the top right hand side."
But why is this truck there, when most players wouldn't even discover
it? Hmm...
- What's inside the GS Ball?
The GS Ball was the "hook" to get Ash and friends to the Orange
Islands for season 2 of the Pokemon anime. Professor Ivy claimed that
no transporter would accept this mysterious gold and silver ball, so
Professor Oak needed to send someone to pick it up.
After competing and winning the Orange League Cup, Ash returns to Pallet
Town with the GS Ball. Oak can't decipher its mysteries, so he sends
Ash and friends out once again, this time to deliver the ball to Kurt,
the Poke Ball architect. We haven't heard about the GS Ball since. What
was its original purpose, and what may be inside?
For my theory on this, read my story Inner Peace.

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