NES Tetris - "B" Game Reward Screens

Tetris is such an iconic game that I couldn't write an article to do it justice. Instead, I'm presenting you with the NES version's reward screens for completing objectives in the "B" game.

"B" Game - Height determines number of objects. Height of 0 = 1 object, which increases up to six of the same object on height 5. The only exception is level 9, which adds a Nintendo character for each height increase.

Level 0 - Dragonflies
Level 0

Level 1 - Doves
Level 1 Level 1

Level 2 - Penguins
Level 2 Level 2

Level 3 - UFOs
Level 3

Level 4 - Pteradactyls
Level 4Level 4

Level 5 - "GOOD" Blimps
Level 5 Level 5

Level 6 - Ostriches
Level 6 Level 6

Level 7 - Dragons
Level 7 Level 7

Level 8 - Space Shuttles
Level 8 Level 8

Level 9 - Classic Nintendo Characters - images coming soon
Level 9, Height 0 = Kid Icarus (violin)
Level 9, Height 1 = Kid Icarus (violin), Link (flute)
Level 9, Height 2 = Kid Icarus (violin), Link (flute), Samus (bass)
Level 9, Height 3 = Kid Icarus (violin), Link (flute), Samus (bass), Donkey Kong (drum)
Level 9, Height 4 = Kid Icarus (violin), Link (flute), Samus (bass), Donkey Kong (drum), Bowser (accordion)
Level 9, Height 5 = Kid Icarus (violin), Link (flute), Samus (bass), Donkey Kong (drum), Bowser (accordion), Princess Toadstool (clapping), Mario and Luigi (dancing)

Related Articles:
Tetris: The Board Game

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