Mandy and Lee's Wedding - November 9, 2002

Yep, that's right... the crazy couple who dresses up as Team Rocket DID get married, November 9, 2002. For those of you who might be wondering, no we did not do a 'theme wedding' (back when Lee and I first started dating, he vowed that he would not have blue hair for our wedding). Although we did some things that weren't quite traditional - probably the only wedding in history where the 'people coming into the church' pre-wedding music was taken primarily from Star Wars and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. And the ending processional music was the Star Wars Ep. 4 Throne Room music. =)

Of course we had to do things our own way.

Might I also add that we only had a budget of about $1000 and only 1 month to plan the entire wedding? Most couples spend years planning the ideal wedding, but we just didn't have that luxury. With me still in school (graduating early in December) while working part-time, and Lee preparing to go into the Army in January, we didn't have much time or money to spend on a huge wedding. And for the most part, we found that we didn't really need one, either. I only regret that we couldn't have a reception - although we did have a small party at Lee's family's home. Most of the "wedding essentials" like the cake, limo, etc. were given to us as our wedding presents. Most of the other things we just did without. I was working at a craft store at the time, so I was able to get my flower bouquet from some clearanced Spring floral, and used coupons for other things I really wanted (like our lit archway). I had been in a digital sound class, so I used some of those techniques to 'mix' music for the wedding, eliminating the cost of an organist. I created the invitations and printed them on my Epson Color Stylus, using some nice invitation paper (not $2-per-sheet vellum). At my job, I saw a lot of people buying extravagancies for weddings, but that didn't make much sense to me.

But anyway, here are some pics from our special day. Enjoy!

Here's me!

The ceremony itself

Our 1st kiss as Mr. & Mrs. Nader (I'm still not used to calling myself "Mrs. Nader")

Our wedding party! From L to R - Sam, Mark, Ed, Lee, Mandy, Stephy, Connie, Rachel

I love pretty bubbles!

And we had a beautiful white limo that was filled with *tasty* drinks!

Tasty STRONG drinks!

Some things I wanted the traditional way

Lee was warned that if he shoved cake in my face, he would regret it...

No real surprise... he smashed cake on me, I shoved cake up his nose!

Mandy: "Where's the party?"
Lee: "Now you know why I married her!"

Of course we had to do the garter toss...

True love really does exist, and I know I've found it!

"And the Princess and the Computer Geek lived happily ever after..."

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