Are you a Rocketshipper? That is, do you believe that Jessie and James really love each other? If so, you're in the right place!
"But wait," you may say, "Jessie and James have never actually said that they have feelings for each other. They've never kissed, or said 'I love you' or done anything like that on the show. What makes you think that they really love each other?"
Maybe Jessie and James have never actually said it, but those
two really do care deeply about each other. How many times have
they risked their lives for one another? How many times do they
hold onto each other in fear, happiness, or for no reason at all?
Keep an open mind, and before long you'll start to notice little
clues in the TV series that hint at Rocketshippiness!
Even if you ignore the more subtle hints, there are more pronounced
examples of Rocketshipping as well. For example, In "Hocus
Pokemon", Team Rocket is in danger for their lives, this time on
a narrow precipice. James and Jessie are holding each other tightly,
and James says, "If I never see you guys again, just know that I
James has called Jessie "Sweetheart", and more than once she's
called him "Dear James". They just seem right for each other.