More Rocketshippy Pics

Another Jigglypuff song...

You'd be scared, too... if Pokemon fossils suddenly came to life

"Thanks for breaking my fall" James doesn't look too pleased, though...

"This one's for you, Jessie!"

What are you staring at, Pikachu? Haven't you ever seen people hug before?

Shat a cute hug... it's even brought Meowth to tears...

James looks quite angry with Dr. Proctor in this one!

It's a happy hug!

This is just adorable!

Another "Holy Matrimony" shot!

Probably my favorite "Holy Matrimony" pic

Yes, Jynx is scary, but I don't think it's necessary for such a big hug!

"Don't worry, I won't abandon you."

James comforts Jessie in a rose garden, truly hoping she'll win the Princess Competition

And when she doesn't win, James is determined to cheer her up...

... by dressing himself and all TR's Pokemon up as the treasured doll set! Now that shows real love!

**Most Rocketshippy Pic Ever**

The most Rocketshippy pic of all time - the official image that silences all doubters.
This is from the epilogue of the final Pokemon manga ("Surf's Up, Pikachu")... will this ever be seen in the anime?
Check out the wedding ring... and it looks like James is gonna be a dad soon!

The Mewtwo Returns TR Tango Motto

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