Holy Matrimony!

The most Rocketshippy episode of all time, it ends with Jessie and James happily together, and the twerps running for their lives! Talk about a twist of fate! Here are some pictures from one of my favorite scenes in Pokemon.

Jessie and Meowth think that James has left them and decided to be rich and miserable with Jessiebelle...

Jessie: Oh well... I guess James chose to hang up his Team Rocket costume...

Meowth: Guess all dat money and luxury was just too temptin' for James ta give up.

  Jessie: (sighs) I guess you're right. (she looks terribly sad)

James: (appears in the Meowth balloon) Prepared for trouble?

  Meowth: Hey, it's him!

Jessie: James! (smiles) Make it double!

  (She runs alongside the balloon, and James grabs her hand, pulling her into the balloon with him.)


Jessie: Guess we're not going to get rich this time, either.

James: Guess not. They wouldn't give me the inheritance.

  Jessie: Oh, there's always next time. We may not make a lot of money... but we sure have got our freedom!

  James: Yeah. Double trouble time, right? (holds out his hand)

  Jessie: (taking his hand) Sounds great to me, James!

Jessie and James gaze into each other's eyes, never realizing that they've left something behind...


Meowth: (left on the ground as the balloon drifts away) Hey wait! You forgot Meowth again!!!

Holy Matrimony info:

  • In the Japanese version, Jessebelle's name is Rumika. She has a very soft, delicate voice (even while she's going nuts with the whip!) and there is no trace of a Southern accent!

  • RUMOR from Tigerspirit: "Remember the ending of Holy Matrimony, where James is talking to Jessie, and he puts his hand behind his head, as if embarassed? Well, in the original Japanese version, James said that he would have given up his money and estate even if he didn't have to marry Jessebelle, because (I'm quoting this!) "I want to be with you forever!" kawaii...^_^ I know that they have to come up with dialogue to match the mouth flaps of the characters and everything, but couldn't they have just come up with SOMETHING that sounds like that?!"
    Is this true? Anyone?

  • Jessebelle makes a return appearance in the episode "The Heartbreak of Brock", in a flashback. When Temaku starts claiming she'll be James's fiancee, he freaks out, saying, "Fiancee! Just that word gives me the heebie-jeebies!" and imagines that psychotic Southerner from back home.
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