tEh ArE tHe MoSt PoWeReFuL pOkEmOn In ReD/bLuE vErSiOn
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(becuz i know everthing about game cheats IM THE MASATR!!!! LOL)
THIS IS TEH MOST AESOME SITE ON THE INTARNET DONT STEL MY CHEATS OR MY PICZ OR I WILL MAEK U PAY and all the pics were taken by me and are real cheats and if u cant make them work then thats ur problem cause theare all true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND IF U STEAL MY INFO I WILL HUNT U DOWN WIHT INTARNET HACKZORING TOOLS AND HAXX UR SITE DOWN LOL THEN WHOS STEALKING WHOS INFO D00D r somthing LOL!!!!!!!@ |