Team Rocket's Rockin v. 2.0

Pokemon villains unite at A-Kon!

Welcome to Team Rocket Rose's comprehensive Team Rocket and MissingNo site!
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Most Recent Updates:


Yes, I know the site was down for the last few days. Please don't email me when this happens, because I can't do anything about it. I have already doubled my bandwidth limits for the site up to 80GB of transfer per month, and I can't increase it any more without purchasing each GB individually (which is expensive).

Which brings me to my point - I'm currently paying for all hosting costs on this site. I just received a bill for $300 to keep this site open for another year. I make no money off this site at all, and I run it purely for the enjoyment of the visitors. I'm seriously considering how much longer I wish to keep this site running - bills keep coming, car repairs need done, and gas prices are soaring - this site is expensive to keep up. If you enjoy this site and would like to see it continue in the future, consider sending a donation via the Paypal button on this page. Otherwise, I may have to resort to placing ads on these pages, or closing the site down, and I don't want to do that.


New updates to Peach and Ganondorf - I got my bodice finished (except for the sleeves) and I acquired the hair (which still needs to be styled). I'm nearly done!

Reminder to Spriter's Challenge entrants - art theft is highly frowned upon here. If you enter someone else's work as your own, you are not only disqualified from the current Challenge, but from all future Challenges as well.

Yellow Hexlist is now posted with images (although images of the other glitches would be appreciated).


Congrats to the winners of Spriter's Challenge #9: ShallowSeaPearl, Denise, and Supernova! Grades are also posted. Your grade is a combination of spriting skill and originality (there are many entries that were far too plain that received lower scores). The new Challenge has been issued - remember that you can't send entries for the new Challenge until next Monday.


It's been a long time in coming, but Chapter 15 of The Secret of MissingNo is now posted. This battle scene required a lot of tweaking, but I'm pleased with it now. Enjoy! (No, this isn't the end of the story!)

Incidentally, I'm working on something shiny and new for this site. It may be awhile in coming, but I'm breaking out the Javascript for this one! Stay tuned...

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This is a totally unoffical fan site. All the Pokemon characters and original sprites belong to Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures, Inc., Satoshi Tajiri, and a lot of other people richer than me.
All content, articles, stories, original characters, custom sprites, and artwork are copyright © Mandy Nader (formerly Mandy Owston), 2000-2005 unless otherwise specified.
Do not use without permission.
Items on the Downloads page may be used on other sites only if they are unaltered in any way and credit is given.
Have a nice day! = ^_^ =

TR's Rockin does not approve of, endorse, encourage, or support any sort of harassment or digital mischief,
including but not limited to, flaming, cursing, hacking, spamming, IP address theft, and the like.
This is why there is no "Hall of Shame" for people who have commited grievances against me.
The only URLs and emails you will find here belong to individuals with excellent websites and/or fanfiction.
Please do not drag me and this site into your own petty arguments.
TR Rose has better things to do than flame guestbooks.
Thank you.