Anti-Art Theft Notice

What is Art Theft?

  1. Taking artwork that someone else created and claiming it as your own (sometimes removing names/dates).
  2. Taking artwork such as a custom sprite, changing minor details (color, for example) and claiming it as your own without giving credit to the original artist/spriter. (It's usually not a problem if you credit the original artist, but you should ask permission first.)
  3. Using artwork on another site or forum without credit to the original creator.

Art is copyrighted to the original creator the moment it is put into a fixed form. The moment a file is saved to a disk or uploaded to a server, the file is placed into fixed form such as a JPG or GIF file. The date of creation is established by the file's creation or upload date (which is visible by right-clicking an image and selecting "properties"). It's easy to prove the original creator of a graphic - just check the properties of the file. The original creation has an earlier date.

Art theft is not limited to refusing to give credit for posting someone's art as your own. If you take an original creation, modify it slightly, and then claim the new work as your own, you are stealing art unless you credit the original creator.

Sprites are a slightly different issue as the original sprites are all copyright Nintendo, Game Freak, et al. That being said, if you edit/splice/recolor a sprite yourself, you should receive credit for doing so. A specific sprite you made should be credited to you (for example, the Mewkapi I created), but the combination of Pokemon (a Mew/Togepi) is available to everyone who wishes to try spriting it - you can't claim the combination of several Pokemon as only your idea. If you take someone's altered sprite and alter it further, you must give credit to the original spriter for their work (and you should ask their permission first as well).

  1. Art thieves are banned from TR's Rockin contests and Spriter's Challenges.
  2. I will not affiliate with or promote any site that contains stolen artwork.
  3. I will not post a "Hall of Shame" (as some have suggested) that lists URLs and email addresses of art thieves, because that leads to flaming.
  4. I have disabled right-click on the Sprite Gallery page.
  5. I give credit for all work on this site, with the exception of contest entries (such as the Spriter's Challenge) where anonymity is necessary to fairly judge the entries. However, all contest winners are credited.
  6. All original characters, articles, artwork, photographs, and any other content is copyright to TR Rose (Mandy Nader) unless otherwise specified - this notice is right on the front page. If you choose to display any of my artwork, sprites, or original images, you must give credit to TR Rose or TRsRockin and provide a link back to the site. This goes for MissingNo articles as well - even if you reword my articles, you still must provide a link back to my site. If you were to do not give credit on something like a college paper, you would likely fail the assignment for plagiarism.
  7. If you take something from the Downloads pages for your own site (and that is what they're there for), do not remove the signature/site name from the art. Those images must be posted exactly as they are shown here.

Artists create work for the enjoyment of all. Please give credit where credit is due!

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