Pokemon #250
Type 1/Water (only visible if Pokemon is nicknamed)
Hex Value: C0
Starting Moves: Bubble, Hypnosis, Water Gun
Yellow Equivalent: 4 4 Hy
Base and Max Stats:
HP: 37, Atk: 0, Def: 40, Spd: 178, Spl: 19
HP: 277, Atk: 98, Def: 178, Spd: 454, Spl: 136
Learned Moves: Selfdestruct (Lv. 6), Horn Drill (Lv. 8), TM50 (Lv.
9), Nameless Glitch Move (Lv. 13), Pay Day (Lv. 14), Karate Chop
(Lv. 24), Horn Drill (Lv. 31), Mega Punch (Lv. 32), Egg Bomb (Lv.
33), TM50 (Lv. 35), Mega Kick (Lv. 40), Nameless Glitch Move (Lv.
43), Nameless Glitch Move (Lv. 45), TM25 (Lv. 53), Mega Punch (Lv.
56), TM10 (Lv. 62), Lick (Lv. 71), Double Kick (Lv. 88), TM11 (Lv.
91), TM50 (Lv. 95), Double Kick (Lv. 96)
Learned Moves over level 100: String Shot (Lv. 119), TM29 (Lv.
120), <hangs when learned> (Lv. 121), Horn Drill (Lv. 123),
Wrap (Lv. 133), Aurora Beam (Lv. 167), TM34 (Lv. 175), TM24 (Lv.
184), TM50 (Lv. 185), Horn Drill (Lv. 187), Double Kick (Lv. 192),
Razor Wind (Lv. 193), <crashes when learned> (Lv. 195), TM29
(Lv. 197), Egg Bomb (Lv. 200), TM50 (Lv. 201), TM14 (Lv. 205), <crashes
when learned> (Lv. 207), HM02 (Lv. 213), <hangs when learned>
(Lv. 215), <crashes when learned> (Lv. 224), TM40 (Lv. 234),
<crashes when learned> (Lv. 238), <crashes when learned>
(Lv. 239), <crashes when learned> (Lv. 240), TM02 (Lv. 250),
Karate Chop (Lv. 254), Horn Drill (Lv. 255)
TM Moves: Surf, Strength, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Toxic, Body Slam,
Take Down, Double Edge, Bubblebeam, Water Gun, Ice Beam, Blizzard,
Submission, Counter, Seismic Toss, Rage, Earthquake, Fissure, Psychic,
Mimic, Double Team, Bide, Metronome, Skull Bash, Rest, Psywave,
Encounter Flag: Poliwhirl encounter
Capture Flag: Poliwhirl capture
a can be encountered by perfoming the extended Mew
Trick using a Pokemon with a Special stat of 192. This Pokemon
usually turns into a Rhydon when first caught, so it needs to be
caught twice.
It appears that a's end of name character is improperly placed
(which means the name is not properly terminated), because there
are three lines of glitch blocks surrounding the name. As a result,
you must press the A button repeatedly in battle to scroll through
the glitch's name before every action. To eliminate this, give a
nickname to the glitch.
There are reports of a causing the game to freeze when it reaches
level 9 and tries to learn the TM50 move.

Next: Japanese Symbols