4 4 Hy
Type 1/Water, Type 2/Psychic
Hex Value: C0
Starting Moves: Confusion, Disable, Headbutt
R/B Equivalent: a

Stats Lv.5: Atk 13, Def 16, Spd 8, Spc 13
Stats Lv.100: Atk 169, Def 239, Spd 73, Spc 171

Learned Moves: TM05 (Lv.8), Softboiled (Lv.15), Take Down (Lv.16), Aurora Beam (Lv.22), Hi Jump Kick (Lv.33), Double Kick (Lv.36), TM34 (Lv.37), Doubleslap (Lv.40), TM34 (Lv.60), Thrash (Lv.63), TM30 (Lv.71), Poison Sting (Lv.79)

4 4 Hy can be encountered by perfoming the extended Mew Trick using a Pokemon with a Special stat of 192. This Pokemon usually turns into a Rhydon when first caught, so it needs to be caught twice. It can also be obtained by trading an a from R/B to Yellow.

4 4 Hy evolves into another glitch, a Q nicknamed TM55, at level 6.

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