Type 1/Water, Type 2/Psychic
Hex Value: FF
Starting Moves: Confusion (if evolved from 4 4 Hy), Disable (if evolved from 4 4 Hy), Headbutt (if evolved from 4 4 Hy)
R/B Equivalent: Charizard 'M

Stats Lv.6: Atk 15, Def 15, Spd 19, Spc 18
Stats Lv.100: Atk 175, Def 179, Spd 245, Spc 227

Learned Moves: weird glitch move (Lv.9), Mega Punch (Lv.12), Skull Bash (Lv.23), TM09 (Lv.29), TM50 (Lv.32), Pound (Lv.45), Tackle (Lv.61), Ice Beam (Lv.62)

Q can be encountered by using a GameShark code with the value FF (for 255) as the Pokemon value. It can also be obtained by trading Charizard 'M from R/B to Yellow. Additionally, Q evolves from 4 4 Hy at level 6. Q can also be obtained by unplugging and replugging a Link Cable during a trade, but this usually causes the game to freeze once Q appears.

Q has the cry of a Pokeflute playing, and appears as a glitchy box.

There are strange reports that if you store a Q in a PC box with two other Pokemon, you may be able to transfer the moves of one non-glitched Pokemon to the other. You may also turn one of the normal Pokemon into another Q. These effects occur depending on the order in which the Pokemon are withdrawn.

Next: Charizard 'M