Pokemon #250
Type 1/Normal, Type 2/Normal (only visible when Pokemon is nicknamed)
Hex Value: C5
Starting Moves: Cooltrainer Move, Guillotine, Razor Wind, Pay Day
Yellow Equivalent: 4. .

Base and Max Stats:
HP: 37, Atk: 0, Def: 40, Spd: 178, Spl: 19
HP: 277, Atk: 98, Def: 178, Spd: 454, Spl: 136

Learned Moves: none

TM Moves: Bubblebeam, Ice Beam, Counter, Seismic Toss, Thunder, Earthquake, Fissure, Psychic, Teleport, Bide, Metronome, Softboiled, Sky Attack, Rest, Psywave, Rock Slide

Encounter Flag: unknown
Capture Flag: Krabby encounter

PkMn can be encountered by perfoming the extended Mew Trick using a Pokemon with a Special stat of 197. It shares many characteristics with A, including its cry that sounds like a Pokemon using Sing attack.

Encountering PkMn causes the game to save, which means that Hall of Fame data will be scrambled simply by seeing a PkMn, regardless of whether the player saves afterwards. Catching PkMn can cause the game graphics to become scrambled. If used in battle, PkMn's back image will vary.

If the Pokedex screen is shown upon catching PkMn, it will revert to a Rhydon once caught. You will need to catch it a second time to train the glitch Pokemon. PkMn's name is not terminated correctly, so it will make the game's text "scroll", which requires you to press the A button a lot. This can be remedied by giving PkMn a nickname.

Because the nameless "Cooltrainer" move is in the first slot, the other attack names will not be visible.

A variant of PkMn is commonly seen when battling a Glitch Trainer after doing the MissingNo trick. This version of PkMn (whose name looks like PkMn n) is different from the catchable one in several ways. For example, the trained PkMn n must be Fighting type because it's weak to Flying and Psychic attacks. When trained PkMn n is knocked out, the last n from its name stays on screen, then the top of the screen fills with n's.


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