Pokemon #250
Type 1/Normal, Type 2/Normal
Hex Value: BF
Starting Moves: Cooltrainer, Pay Day, Guillotine, Razor Wind
Yellow Equivalent: 4 4

Base and Max Stats:
HP: 37, Atk: 0, Def: 40, Spd: 178, Spl: 19
HP: 277, Atk: 98, Def: 178, Spd: 454, Spl: 136

Learned Moves: Tackle (Lv. 8), Gust (Lv. 14), TM08 (Lv. 15), TM50 (Lv. 16) Razor WInd (Lv. 19), TM16 (Lv. 20), Hydro Pump (Lv. 31), TM17 (Lv. 32) Peck (Lv. 33), Razor Wind (Lv. 34), Mega Punch (Lv. 35), Poison Sting (Lv. 40), Fury Attack (Lv. 41), Whirlwind (Lv. 42), Reflect (Lv. 44), Transform (Lv. 48), TM24 (Lv. 60)

Learned Moves over level 100: TM40 (Lv. 103), TM40 (Lv. 111), Bite (Lv. 114), Bite (Lv. 115), TM 24 (Lv. 124), TM 24 (Lv. 125), Cut (Lv. 126), TM08 (Lv. 133), Swords Dance (Lv. 145), HM05 (Lv. 167), TM24 (Lv. 175), Bone Club (Lv. 191), Defense Curl (Lv. 192), Absorb (Lv. 198), Sludge (Lv. 199), Screech (Lv. 200), Defense Curl (Lv. 201), Absorb (Lv. 203), Sludge (Lv. 204), Screech (Lv. 205), Defense Curl (Lv. 206), Reflect (Lv. 209), TM54 (Lv. 216), <crashes game> (Lv. 224), Comet Punch (Lv. 230), TM04 (Lv. 240), <crashes when learned> (Lv. 248), TM40 (Lv. 249), Slam (Lv. 254)

TM Moves: Bubblebeam, Ice Beam, Counter, Seismic Toss, Thunder, Earthquake, Fissure, Psychic, Teleport, Bide, Metronome, Softboiled, Sky Attack, Rest, Psywave, Rock Slide

Encounter Flag: unknown
Capture Flag: Krabby encounter

A can be encountered by perfoming the extended Mew Trick using a Pokemon with a Special stat of 191. This Pokemon usually turns into a Rhydon when first caught, so it needs to be caught twice (the Rhydon transformation usually occurs if the Pokedex screen is displayed). A's cry is identical to a Sing attack, and it looks like a small pixel block. A shares many similaries with PkMn.

Encountering A causes the game to save, which means that Hall of Fame data will be scrambled simply by seeing an A, regardless of whether the player saves afterwards. Catching A can cause the game graphics to become scrambled. If used in battle, A's back image will vary.

A starts with the moves Pay Day, Guillotine, Razor Wind, and the nameless Cooltrainer move. All move names will be invisible until the Cooltrainer move is automatically replaced by Tackle upon reaching level 8.


Next: a