AKA: uLuM4, Lord Moon the Fourth
Type 1/Water, Type 2/Fighting
Hex Value: C6
Starting Moves: Hypnosis, Water Gun, Doubleslap, Body Slam
Yellow Equivalent: 7 g
Base and Max Stats:
HP: 37, Atk: 0, Def: 40, Spd: 178, Spl: 19
HP: 277, Atk: 98, Def: 178, Spd: 454, Spl: 136
Learned Moves: Wrap (Lv. 3), Swords Dance (Lv. 5), TM05 (Lv.10),
Horn Attack (Lv.14), TM09 (Lv.19), Counter (Lv.21), Glitch Move
(Lv. 24), Quick Attack (Lv.25), TM50 (Lv.27), Aurora Beam (Lv.28),
Mega Punch (Lv.32), Teleport (Lv.33), Mega Kick (Lv.34), Bind (Lv.40),
Hypnosis (Lv.42), TM09 (Lv.43), Glitch Move (Lv.55), Glitch Move
(Lv.56), TM04 (Lv.59), Waterfall (Lv.62), Poisonpowder (Lv.68),
Glitch Move (Lv. 71) TM25 (Lv.77), Thunderpunch (Lv.79), Confusion
(Lv.84), Rolling Kick (Lv,85), TM29 (Lv.87), Pin Missile (Lv.95),
Recover (Lv.96)
Learned Moves over level 100: Defense Curl (Lv. 102), Sleep Powder
(Lv. 105), TM05 (Lv. 107), Body Slam (Lv. 117), TM25 (Lv. 120),
TM05 (Lv. 126), TM34 (Lv. 127), Whirlwind (Lv. 134), Wing Attack
(Lv. 137), Cut (Lv. 145), Fly (Lv. 148), Vine Whip (Lv. 151), Hydro
Pump (Lv. 152), Pound (Lv. 154), Slam (Lv. 168), Wrap (Lv. 177),
TM30 (Lv. 180), Poison Sting (Lv. 184), Pin Missile (Lv. 193), Thunderbolt
(Lv. 195), TM05 (Lv. 196), TM05 (Lv. 197), Fury Swipes (Lv. 202),
TM25 (Lv. 203), Sleep Powder (Lv. 204), Thunderbolt (Lv. 205), TM40
(Lv. 209), TM33 (Lv. 213), Double Kick (Lv. 225), Quick Attack (Lv.
229), Cut (Lv. 230), TM25 (Lv. 233), Ice Beam (Lv. 234), TM34 (Lv.
238), <crashes when learned> (Lv. 240), HM01 (Lv. 242), Comet
Punch (Lv. 254)
TM Moves: Surf, Strength, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Toxic, Body Slam,
Take Down, Double Edge, Bubblebeam, Water Gun, Ice Beam, Blizzard,
Hyper Beam, Submission, Counter, Seismic Toss, Rage, Earthquake,
Fissure, Psychic, Mimic, Double Team, Bide, Metronome, Skull Bash,
Rest, Psywave, Substitute
Encounter Flag: Poliwrath encounter
Capture Flag: Poliwrath capture
LM4 can be encountered by perfoming the extended Mew
Trick using a Pokemon with a Special stat of 198.
Encountering LM4 causes the game to save, which means that Hall
of Fame data will be scrambled simply by seeing a LM4, regardless
of whether the player saves afterwards.
LM4's claim to fame is its highly unusual evolution chain. Upon
reaching level 18, LM4 will immediately evolve into a Clefairy.
Sometimes, this evolution cannot be interrupted by the B button.
As soon as it becomes a Clefairy, LM4 evolves again into a Nidoking.
Interestingly, this now-harmless Nidoking can easily be traded to
G/S/C, allowing you to train a Nidoking with moves it could never
ordinarily learn. Some players report LM4 attempting to evolve,
but the evolution can be cancelled by pressing the B button as usual.
LM4 has another set of evolutions, but they are more difficult
to access. If you teach LM4 the move it learns at level 56, and
then replace it with TM04 (which it learns at level 59), LM4 will
evolve into either Abra or Kangaskhan at level 59. It will then
proceed to "evolve" into the same thing (Abra or Kangaskhan)
four times in a row, then the game will freeze.
Additionally, LM4 seems to learn more moves and TMs than the average
glitch Pokemon. Combined with its unusual evolution, LM4 would be
an interesting glitch to seek out and train.

Screenshots of unevolved LM4 courtesy of "Kenichi & hey
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