AKA: M Block, Mysterio, Missinglingo
Pokemon #000
Type 1/Normal, Type 2/Bird
Hex Value: 00
Starting Moves: Water Gun, Water Gun, Sky Attack
Yellow Equivalent: 3TrainerPoke
TM Moves: Cut, Fly, Mega Punch, Razor Wind, Swords Dance, Mega
Kick, Toxic, Take Down, Double-Edge, Bubblebeam, Submission, Seismic
Toss, Thunder, Fissure, Teleport, Rest, Thunder Wave, Tri Attack,
'M is encountered by Surfing along the east coast of Cinnabar Island
after watching the Old Man's demonstration. 'M appears as a backwards-L
shaped block of pixels. Since 'M's hex value is 00, any name can
encounter 'Ms. They may appear at level 0 from another 'M (blank)
in a name letter slot or level 80 (from the hex 50/decimal 80 "end
of name marker").
Upon catching an 'M, the Pokemon will still appear to be battling
you. If you catch 'M a second time, you will have caught a level
0 or 80 Ditto. When a level 0 'M gains one experience point, it
will evolve into Kangaskhan. When it evolves, any of the HMs
or TMs that 'M has learned will transfer to the Kangaskhan.
This means that you may have a Kangaskhan that knows Fly and other
moves that a normal Kangaskhan would never learn.
Storing an 'M in your PC will cause the game to freeze whenever
you try withdrawing any stored Pokemon. However, if you open your
game in Pokemon Stadium 1 or 2, you can manually move the glitches
out of your PC.
In Pokemon Stadium, 'M will appear as a baby Rhydon Substitute
doll. It will not be able to participate in any Stadium battles
(the Pokemon will appear grayed-out). In Stadium 2, it will appear
as a Ditto (at level 1, if it had been level 0) knowing Transform.
If you view an 'M in Stadium 2, it will permanently become a Ditto
on your saved game.
'M seems to cause much more damage to your records and Hall of
Fame than MissingNo. Even encountering one will make your game save
(you can see this happening while playing on Stadium 1 or 2). Catching
an 'M and carrying it with you causes the most interesting (and
glitched) Hall of Fame screens. Viewing the most glitched Hall of
Fame screens will also cause your game to save. After viewing the
worst Hall of Fame screens a few times (odd Pokemon type combinations,
blank or 'colored' screens, garbled Pokemon), the strangest glitches
appear to work themselves out and will disappear. However, there
is no way to restore your original Hall of Fame records.
Battling with 'M can cause your game's graphics to be temporarily
scrambled during battles. Wild Pokemon may face away from you, mirror-imaged.
When you register a hit on an enemy Pokemon, the image may break
into scrambled vertical lines of the enemy. Your trainer's sprite
viewed through the menu looks like a scrambled Brock.
'M causes the 6th item in your held inventory to be increased by
128. This is a great way to get more evolution stones, Master Balls,
Full Restores, and other expensive goodies.
Contrary to popular belief, 'M is not a remnant of Mew. However,
it remains to be seen whether 'M is a remnant or part of MissingNo.

Next: MissingNo