Glitch Experiments
Now that I've successfully captured 'M and MissingNo and my game data
is fine (with the exception of my Hall of Fame info), I have decided to
conduct a few experiments of my own with these mysterious Pokemon.
Experiment #1: Can 'M and MissingNo learn any
TM/HM moves?
Wild Ghost MissingNo's attacks change depending on the last Pokemon
used in battle, and wild 'M always has 2 Water Guns and Sky Attack. But
can they learn additional moves? What about the other Glitches like A
and .4?
I will fill in the following chart as much as I can (but you see, I
began my Blue version without even knowing about the Glitches, so I used
up quite a few TMs on my trained Pokemon). I will also try trading some
Glitches over from my Red to Blue so I can get standard Pixel MissingNo's
data. If anyone out there can fill in any gaps (marked with a yellow ?),
I will add their data and name here. Since the Ghost and Fossil MissingNos
take the type and moves (and probably TM moveset) of the last Pokemon
viewed, there is no way to provide a TM/HM list for them.
TM/HM list courtesy of pokerock
According to this, MissingNo and 'M can learn the same TM/HM moves -
with the exception of Substitute. Can anyone confirm that this is the
only move that isn't identical for these two glitches?
'M DOES keep its TMs and HMs after it evolves, which means you can get
a Lv. 1 Kangaskhan that knows Fly... or any other move that 'M can learn!
Special thanks to Izwzyzx, Mario & the Triforce World, Veb, Joey
DiPeri, GlitchBuster, and yugioh181525 for updated info!
Please email me if you've
taught your Glitches any TMs I have blank on my list.
Experiment #2: What Moves, Letters, and Items
Lurk in the Empty Hex List Slots?
I decided to try filling in the gaps in my R/B Hex List, so I fired up
the Visual Boy Advance emulator and an old save file I have for Pokemon
Blue. I am experimenting with various GameShark codes that fill in the
empty values. The game
tends to crash a lot whenever these codes are used, so obtaining information
can be a slow go.
Moves - Hex A6 - BE
01a673D1-- 1st attack
01a774D1-- 2nd attack
01a875D1-- 3rd attack
01a976D1-- 4th attack
If you view these moves under "stats", the game freezes. The
PP values are all strange.
All codes on - a6 in first slot, a7 in 2nd, a8 3rd, and a9 4th.
a6 = "Pound" - suddenly, " gained so many exp. (blank)
grew to level 100" HP bar across screen. (was a level 7 Rattata)
- then it says that E CHOP gained a boosted 70 exp (you mean it was a
trade?) and grew to level 70. E CHOP gained another boosted 70 exp and
grew to level 100.
Then it evolved into Kangaskhan (but was a Kanga evolving into a Kanga,
and I couldn't stop evo).
Then I wind up in Glitch City! I "teleport" out, and land back
down, then I take one step left and the game freezes.

I tried this again with only the a6 code on, and the game just froze
instantly. Maybe it needs all the codes to produce the glitchy effects?
a7 = "qq" - sucks health but looks like slash - NOT grass type
(does decent dmg to Pidgey)
Doesn't crash game (used while this was the only code on).

a8 = no name, keeps freezing game when I select it. Interestingly, it
shows a flashing down arrow like there are more moves below it. When I
tried this, I coded it into the third slot with this being the only code
a9 = "(glitch) a a a" - crashes upon selection
Items - Hex 00 (?), Hex 07 & 2C (?????), Hex 54 - C3 (Unknown Items)
Most of these items are free in the shop, but the ones that contain glitchy
blocks (represented as #) in their names usually cost a ton of money.
Luckily, I had the infinite money code.
Buy item: 01XX7CCF
Infinite money:

00 = glitchy blocks, very expensive - bought one, called #j. - freezes

07 = ????? - free = SURFBOARD!
2c = ????? - free = Oak says it isn't time to use it now.

54 = "B2F" = use - threw a flickering Pokeball and played the
good Prof. Oak rating music. It missed, and made a glitchy Pokemon Center
appear... this vanished after the ball animation ended.
55 = "B1F" = use - freezes game
56 = "1F" = use - nothing happens and quantity doesn't decrease
57 = "2F" = use - nothing happens and quantity doesn't decrease
58 = "3F" = use - nothing happens and quantity doesn't decrease

59 = "4F" = use - totally crashes the entire emulator
5A = "5F" = use - totally crashes the entire emulator
5B = "6F" = use - nothing happens and quantity doesn't decrease
5C = "7F" = use - totally crashes the entire emulator
5D = "8F" = use - game freeze
5E = "9F" = use - game freezes for a moment, but returns to
normal if you press start a few times.

5F = "10F" = use - randomly replaces some letters in text with
partial people sprites. Man in PC moves to behind counter - goes away
if you press start. Exit out of the menus, press start, and bg goes away

60 = "11F" = use - nothing happens and quantity doesn't decrease
61 = "B4F" - game freeze
62 = "w #m#" game freeze
63 = "ws# #m#" - use, get messsage, "The POKEMON BOX is
full! Can't use that item!", even after switching to an empty box.

64 = "v##t#m#" = use - totally crashes the entire emulator
65 = "#'d#m#" - game freeze
66 = "#m#" - game freeze
67 = "w 'l#m#" = use - totally crashes the entire emulator
68 = "#f#m#" (no qty. shown) - screen goes white, press buttons
and get outline of menu, then just get you, no bg or anything else. Then
menu works. Flickering people walk past - you can talk to them
A2 = Rival's
- From marharreed:
"I have some info on an interesting item called Rival’s. Its hex is A2. Apparently it is some kind of TM or HM. You can hit use and it goes to your pokemon saying not able like it does when you can’t teach your pokemon something. I hit B and the pokemon sprites stayed in the black part of my screen! I closed my menu and surprise!-I wasn’t there. I found I could walk over jumpy things but then I got stuck. I opened my menu and then closed it and my Missing sprite turned into some numbers. I went into my pokemon and back and everything was fine. It was very weird."
- From Wa Llama: "Now A2, Rival's, the mythical HM06, you have a blip on it from someone but I
figure I'll give you the full info cause it's pretty useful. Rival's is not
an HM or a TM, though it halfly emulates one, you cannot teach it to any
Pokemon, not even any glitch ones. It is used to walk over small barriers.
To walk through the walls, use Rival's, B out of the Pokemon screen and menu, and you'll be invisible with Pokemon sprites in the upper left. All
other NPCs turn invisible too. Now the thing about Rival's is that you get
stuck when you face a solid object. After using Rival's your facing position
will not change. So generally speaking, you can only use it to step over one
solid tile. To get out of this mode, open the Pokemon screen and B out.
There are some hazards to using Rival's, a lot of places outside the main walking area have what I've termed glitch barriers, that when you walk on
them, your game will mess up and freeze and you'll have to restart.
The main one's I'll mention are in buildings, the first black blocks around
the rooms are always glitch barriers.
Next is on the other side of the barrels in Pallet Town.
Many people have claimed to get into the Pallet Town patch with Rival's.
This is false. Then they claim you can catch any Pokemon in the Pallet Town
patch, this is also false.
One of the things you get accustomed to when using Rival's is the ability to tap the D-pad just right to change your facing without moving, if you do
this, you can face the Pallet Town patch when standing on a barrel and fish
in it. You can find Goldeens, Shelders, Magikarps, and Poliwags, maybe more,
I'm not sure.
When standing on a solid object, by the way, you can step off of it fine, so
no worries if you get stuck on one, just don't get surrounded by them or
you'll have to fly out.
One fun use is to use it to pass the Old Man and never deliver Oak's Parcel,
you can't use that Poke Mart ever again, though. A weird glitch with this,
is that if you later buy Oak's Parcel elsewhere and deliver it and then
fight the Gary that's fishing near the entrance to the Elite Four, he'll
split into two. One will walk over and fight you, and the other will stay
fishing indefinitely, he won't fight. Oak's Parcel is hex 46.
A fun thing is the item version of the Pokedex at hex 09, what's nice about
this is that if you skips Oak's Parcel you can have this instead and the
best use in my view is that you can use it during battle. It will glitch up
the graphics of the battle a little, but you can see fine still."
B3 = Gary
- From Wa Llama: "Now one of my favorite items from back when I could encounter Pokemon is
"Gary" which is an item that lets you escape battle, always, like an escape
rope or whatever but these are cooler because it doesn't run out. Also you
can't use it in a trainer battle, but that's expected. Gary is hex B3."
60 bold A
61 bold B
62 bold C
63 bold D
64 bold E
65 bold F
66 bold G
67 bold H
68 bold I
69 bold V
6a bold S
6b bold L
6c bold M
6d bold :
6e small hiragana "i"
6f small hiragana "u"
70 bold ' (starting single quote)
71 bold ' (closing single quote)
72 bold " (starting double quote)
73 bold " (closing double quote)
74 bold .
75 ...
76 small hiragana "a"
77 small hiragana "e"
78 small hiragana "o"
79 Pokeball Border top left
7a Pokeball Border horizontal piece
7b Pokeball Border top right
7c Pokeball Border vertical piece
7d Pokeball Border bottom left
7e Pokeball Border bottom right
7f blank space
c0-df = no letters
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