3Trainer Poke
Pokemon #176
Type 1/(blank), Type 2/Normal
Hex Value: 00
Starting Moves: Water Gun, Water Gun, Sky Attack (if traded from
R/B Equivalent: 'M
Stats Lv.100: Atk 497, Def 417, Spd 47, Spc. 4
3Trainer Poke can be obtained by trading an 'M
from Red or Blue to a Yellow version. It can also be obtained by
using the Gameshark code 0100D7CF. If traded from Red or Blue version,
it will keep its original name and attacks, but its species, number,
and type will change on the second page of its stats. On the first
page of stats, its name will remain as 'M. 3Trainer Poke's cry is
the sound of using a Potion on your Pokemon.
If encountered in the wild (by using the Gameshark code), 3TrainerPoke
will be poisoned when he appears. Like 'M,
3TrainerPoke will not disappear if caught. However, the glitched
block will change into two thin vertical lines after 3TrainerPoke
is caught the first time.
Since 3TrainerPoke's name is longer than the allowed 10 characters
in a normal Pokemon's name, graphical glitches can occur when viewing
3TrainerPoke in your party.
There are reports of 3TrainerPoke starting with Bubblebeam, Poison
Sting, and Comet Punch (caught using the Gameshark code) and having
the back sprite of a Tentacool. After growing to level 1, the glitch's
moves changed to Waterfall, Waterfall, Comet Punch, and Vicegrip.
Like 'M, a traded 3Trainer Poke will attempt to evolve into Kangaskhan
after gaining any experience. There are reports that the game freezes
if 3Trainer Poke is sent to a PC box. Using a 3TrainerPoke in battle
can cause graphical glitches, make the HP bar stretch across the
screen, and sometimes freeze the game.
3Trainer Poke can also be found by unplugging and replugging a
Link Cable during battle. In Pokemon
Stadium 1 and 2, this glitch will appear as a normal Dratini who
knows Wrap, Surf, Waterfall, and HM01. During the link battle, Yellow
version says the Pokemon is Dratini, but Blue version says it's
'M. After the battle, the Yellow version trainer may still have
3Trainer Poke. This "Dratini" evolves into Kangaskhan
(keeping all of its original moves) after growing a level.
Screenshots (provided by Darkness_LordII):

Next: Yellow MissingNo