MissingNo. (Yellow version)
Pokemon #000
Type 1/Normal, Type 2/(random glitches, usually with 9's - changes)
Hex Value: Various
Starting Moves: Water Gun, Bind, Pay Day
R/B Equivalent: MissingNo.

MissingNo can be found in Yellow version only by performing the Mew Trick with trainers other than the Slowpoke Youngster. Several trainers reported to yield MissingNos include some of the Channelers inside Lavender Tower (such as the one in the center of the room on the third floor) and the Rocker on Rt. 12.

Unlike MissingNo in Red/Blue, this MissingNo seems to cause many problems. Sometimes simply encountering this MissingNo can freeze the game. Viewing your Pokemon's status while battling this wild MissingNo can also freeze your game. Sometimes you may get messages such as "MissingNo is trying to learn" or "MissingNo learned!" before the game freezes.

Many graphical glitches can result from battling MissingNo in Yellow version. If it is caught and used in battle, the opponent's graphics may become reversed. After defeating or running from the wild MissingNo, sprites of people (including your sprite) will be walking all over the screen (this can usually be returned to normal after using Fly or leaving the affected area). Pikachu may act strangely as well. There are reports that some of these graphical glitches are permanent unless the game is restarted. It has also been known to turn off all sound except the 'warning' beep when your Pokemon's HP is low.

Additionally, there are reports of a second battle starting immediately following the Yellow MissingNo battle.

It is reported that catching Yellow MissingNo is extremely difficult because it dodges all Poke Balls except for Master Balls.

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