Gold GS Glitch (252)
Type: unknown
Hex Value: FC
Starting Moves: unknown

Learned Moves: unknown

Gold GS Glitch (252) can be found by entering the GameShark code 01FCEDD0 and walking into tall grass. Its sprite will be a Glitch City-like box of town pixels. Upon sending out your first Pokemon, 252's sprite will change to a cross-section of your items list. 252 is at level 0 (much like 'M) and is female. Dark attacks are super-effective against it.

If 252 is caught, a glitched Pokedex screen will display. As with all GS glitches, the decimal number will appear inside a blank footprint on the Pokedex screen.

Upon either catching or fainting 252, you will find yourself in a Glitch City-like place with bits of houses, water, trees, a cave entrance, and fences, which you need to Fly out of.

It appears that 252 can cause some strange graphical glitches, such as changing the colors of your fighting Pokemon's back sprite.

When used in battle, 252's back sprite will be the same as the last "normal" back sprite shown, except colored gold. This means that it may take the form of the trainer's back sprite.


Next: Wild Egg GS Glitch (253)