Wild Egg GS Glitch (253)
Type: unknown
Hex Value: FD
Starting Moves: unknown

Learned Moves: unknown

Wild Egg GS Glitch (253) can be found by entering the GameShark code 01FDEDD0 and walking into tall grass. Its sprite will look like a regular egg.

If 253 is caught, a glitched Pokedex screen will display. As with all GS glitches, the decimal number will appear inside a blank footprint on the Pokedex screen. If you check the status of the egg, a message says that "it needs a lot more time to hatch."

It appears that 253 causes many graphical glitches that remain after the battle. Large translucent green, blue, and brown blocks will appear randomly over everything. Ho-Oh is in full color on the title screen, but there are strange glitches there, too. Hall of Fame images will be half gray, half red/pink.


Next: Silver GS Glitch (254)