More from the Comicon...

But wait, there's more! Lee has written up HIS views on the day as well! Read on, if you dare... =)
My day as "James".
(Written by Lee Nader)

Well, where to begin? How about.

I can't believe I actually did this.

I'm what you'd call a 'sideline' Pokémon fan. I don't watch the show daily, but I do watch weekly. I've played the card game, but not enough to be good at it. I know the names of all the characters, but not all the Pokémon themselves.

I've dressed in 'unusual' outfits before (I'll explain some other time, there's enough blackmail material on this page as is). But this is the first time I dressed as a Pokémon character. At least I dressed as someone cool.

James is a trip to play. All I had to do is act like a fool, be obsessed with eating, and come up with strange plans that don't work. Hell, the only difference from my ordinary life is that I don't have blue hair.

The Comicon:
This was fun. As you probably read before, we stood out. Bigtime. The 'biker gang' staring at us. alarmed. me. Everyone else's reaction was predictable, but just as much fun. Everyone in a car with kids smiled and laughed. Everyone else just stared. "Jessie" smiled, and I was grinning like an idiot.

It was cool to drive a car that was the same color as my hair.

Anywho, the effort that we put into our outfits paid off: we got free admission. Which was really funny, because they didn't stamp our hands, and on the way back in, some other mental giant asked for our passes.

"We're in costume".
"Oh, really? OK then."

Everyone recognized us. Even though James is considerably thinner than me. It was a blast to have so many people taking our pictures. We even had the opportunity to 'do the motto' for one camcorder-toting fan, and 'signed our autographs' for another fan.

I'm sorry, they were for their kids.

Right. =)

During the costume contest was when we had the most fun, obviously. The first thing that happened is that someone dressed as 'The Shadow', I believe, showed up. He looked freaky. So, in true Team Rocket fashion, the cowardly James hid behind Jessie.

And she smacked him/me on the head.

In the contest, was most of the cast of Sailor Moon, several Mages, a troop of burly Vikings, Thor, the god of thunder, the Crow, much of the upper command of the Imperial Empire (Star Wars), and that scary guy in black I mentioned before.

In what is surely a first, Team Rocket actually won something. We took second place, losing only to Thor. I really can't argue: I wouldn't turn down a god holding a large hammer either. The freaky guy took Third Place.

We struck the pose more times than I can remember, and of course, we browsed the extensive selection of Pokémon cards, and merchandise. Ironically, none of the venders were afraid we'd try to steal their stuffed Pikachu.

I guess they knew Team Rocket's success record.

All in all, I had a blast. I got to dress up as someone famous, got pictures taken, and spent the day with someone very special.

It's a shame there weren't any kids dressed up as Ash.

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