Pittsburgh Comicon 2001

Sunday, April 29, 2001. Team Rocket crashes the Pittsburgh Comicon!

No, really. Ok, ok, it was just me and my friend Lee Nader (he's the guy who drew that spectacular Arcanine on my fanart page!) when we entered the costume contest DRESSED as Team Rocket in costumes we made ourselves! But from the reaction we got, you'd have thought we had parked the Meowth balloon in the Monroeville Expo Mart parking lot!

In fact, we came in SECOND in the adult category of the costume contest! We lost only to Thor, the Thunder God (but come ON! Team Rocket versus Thor, complete with his mighty hammer? No contest!) We did, however, defeat a guy with no face, as well as an entire troupe of Vikings. When they announced our names as the 2nd place winners, Lee and I were like, "WOW! It's the first time Team Rocket's ever won ANYTHING!" We won a $25 gift certificate to be spent at the Comicon, but like any good Team Rocket members, once we got it cashed we took the money and ran!

I think every person there who had a camera has a picture of us on their roll of film! We posed for so many pictures, including many with other people/characters. I think our appearance revealed a lot of the adult "closet" Pokemon fans, since all these adults knew exactly who we were. The little kids really loved us, although there were a few who seemed a bit nervous around us. Maybe the fact that Lee is about 6'3" had something to do with that. But we got such a great response from everyone there. One guy with a video camera insisted we do the motto (for his kids, he said). THAT was fun, actually getting to do the lines for real! We even signed autographs as Team Rocket!

I think the driving TO the event was almost as much fun as the Comicon itself! Let's just say this... I guess here in the Pittsburgh suburbs, you don't often see two people dressed as Team Rocket just cruising around. We were almost responsible for quite a few auto accidents (from drivers rubbernecking to get a closer look at us). And you KNOW you look 'interesting' when a gang of motorcyclists stops to stare at YOU!!!

And after the Comicon, Lee and I stopped at the nearby McDonald's for dinner. Many people just stared, but this one little kid did the most ADORABLE thing! As his family was coming in, he ran over to the window, pressing his face against the glass to get a better look at us. When he entered the restaurant, he RAN over to us, staring up at us in wonder. "You're... you're Team Rocket!" he cried, awe in his voice. He pointed at me. "You're Jessie!" He pointed at Lee. "And you're James!" It was just the CUTEST thing!!!

So all-in-all, the day was a success (especially since we got in for free, since we were in costume!) And at the very least, we learned that EVERYBODY loves Team Rocket, at least at the Pittsburgh Comicon!

This is me (Mandy) as Jessie!

Mandy and Lee in a classic Rocket pose!

Of COURSE Team Rocket always has to pose! It's their style!

Ever wonder what kind of car James drives?

Team Rocket meets Sailor Venus and Batman! (AKA Rachel and Christopher)

Another fun pic at the Comicon!

Ok, so now you've read about this from "Jessie's" point of view... wanna know what "James" thought about the day?
Read his article here: "My day as James" by Lee

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