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It's back!


Like many of you, trsrockin was a site that I spent many hours browsing in my youth. I eventually moved on to other things, and it was only later that I found out it had shut down back in 2011 after randomly remembering it one day many years later. There was a mirror up for a while, however that too has been offline for quite some time now. I'm well aware it's still technically accessible on, but frankly, that wasn't good enough for me. It can be quite slow, and acessing it can be somewhat cumbersome. I wanted something better-a way to access trsrockin as easily as we used to, simply by typing in the URL or searching for it on Google.

That's why I have decided to try and bring the old trsrockin back to it's former glory! After downloading a copy of the site from, I'll be hosting it on my own web server, preserving as much of the original content as possible. I don't plan on changing much beyond some general housekeeping, such as cleaning up broken links and removing outdated elements that no longer serve a purpose. The version is mostly complete, but there are a few missing assets--images, pages, or features that didn't make it through--that I'm currently tracking down. Once I've made some progress on that front, I'll likely post an update to share how things are going (read that as asking for help when I can't find everything :P).

Currently it lives at, however my ultimate goal is to acquire the original domain name,, so that the site can be accessed exactly how it was back in the day. That part of the process is still up in the air, as I've only just started looking into it.

That's all for now! I don't plan on making too many more updates in the future, but I wanted to put this out there for anyone who's stumbled across this site. If you were a fan of trsrockin back in the day, stay tuned--hopefully, I can give you back a little piece of the past!




Extra Life: Gamers Helping Kids

For those that remember last year, I'm again participating in the Extra Life gaming charity. Tomorrow I'll be gaming for 24 hours straight to raise money for Children's Miracle Network hospitals. I'm asking for people to sponsor me so that I can reach my fundraising goal of $192.

My Donation Page

Even if you can't donate the recommended amount of $1 per hour playing ($24), if you can even pitch in $5 or so, every little bit helps!

If you want to see what's going on with the gaming marathon tomorrow, my team and I will be posting updates on our Facebook team page here:
Team TMCC: Extra Life. Stop by to check my team's gaming updates and photos!

In site-related news, there are some changes coming before too long. Mainly that the cosplay articles and galleries will be moving to their own site. Stay tuned for more info.




Luna Cosplay, more ACEN fun

Luna from Lunar: Silver Star Story is posted. More ACEN pics on their way~




ACEN photo galleries

Beginning to post up photos from ACEN this past weekend in Chicago, IL. Please stay tuned to this page for updates!




FMA Alchemist Tutorial

The long-awaited FMA uniform tutorial, written by my husband Concolor, is finally posted!!!




Waitress Maya photos

Small update, posted up the Waitress Maya photoset from AFest 2009.




MissingNo contest results, plus Mercury pics.

Well I didn't get as many entries as I'd hoped, but I did receive three most excellent entries:

You can view all three entries on my DA journal. They're definitely worth checking out!

Also got some photos posted for Christmas Mercury and the updated Sailor Mercury.
Next cosplay photos on deck are the Tres Bien shoot from AFest and the Moment of Zen photos of Godot and N. Italy, as well as All-Con photos from 2009 and 2010.




MissingNo contest due March 12!!

Not much time left to get in your entries for the MissingNo art contest!!! If you don't want to draw Sephiroth (although it's preferred), just draw MissingNo gearing up for battle!

Also, I've posted a new video for Turnabout Death Note - a much better quality version. Check it out if you're interested!




Well I am shocked.

So shocked that our favorite glitch is all the way into the third round of the Character Battle that I've decided to host an art contest.

The next battle for MissingNo is against Sephiroth. The One-Winged Angel vs. the No-Winged Bird-Type. So let's see your best artwork of said battle!

I want to see artwork showing MissingNo fighting Sephiroth. Give me your best work!

DA submissions are preferred (as I will do a journal entry featuring my top 3 favorites) but emailed entries will work as well. I'll run the contest up until the day of the battle between MissingNo and Sephiroth. So you've got a little time to impress me with your artistic renditions. Entries will be featured here on the site, as well.

Please send entries to either my Email or on DA as a Note. Please make the subject be "MissingNo Art Contest". I look forward to seeing what you come up with!!!

TRsRockin v. 3.1 - Site Map
450+ pages and counting!

Questions, Comments, Letters? Email TR Rose (remove the NOSPAM please) : counter and tracker

Other hosted sites:
Princess Peach's Castle Courtyard   DFWCC

This site proudly hosted by
My own server
Power8 Hardware!

This is a totally unoffical fan site. All your Pokemon are belong to Nintendo, et al. Same for all other Ninty characters.
All content, articles, stories, original characters, custom sprites, photographs, costumes, and artwork are copyright © Mandy Nader - AKA TR Rose, 2000-2009 unless otherwise specified.
Do not use anything on the site without permission - at the very least, provide a link back to this page if you "borrow" any images. Don't claim original art/sprites as your own.
Items on the Downloads pages may be used on other sites only if they are unaltered in any way and credit is given (as in, leaving the URL on an image).
Have a nice day! = ^_^ =

TR's Rockin does not approve of, encourage, or support any sort of harassment or digital mischief, including but not limited to, flaming, cursing, slander, defamation of character, trolling, hacking, spamming, IP address theft, and generally being a nuisance on the internet. TRsRockin exists as a resource and reference for lots of cool stuff - not to "compete" or "war" with other sites, and certainly not to make personal attacks on people (whether they deserve it or not).

BTW: TR Rose doesn't do "cybering", although I've learned some of my pics have been "borrowed" for that in chat. The owner of those pics isn't on the other side of your IM window, srry.

This site is entirely family-friendly (fanfiction is given a rating to determine age appropriate-ness). The ads displayed on do not necessarily reflect the views of the admin (me)
and their appearance here does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services offered. They are here to defray some of the cost of running a domain-level website.