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The Secret of MissingNoBy Mandy Nader Chapter 8: So Close, And Yet. "I tire of this foolishness," drawled 'M. The smarmy Glitch focused its gaze on Jeremy's Master Ball floating in the ocean. A bolt of sinister black energy shot from 'M's body towards the pink-and-purple sphere. As it connected, the rare Poke Ball exploded with a loud pop. Eric groaned aloud. It seemed their hopes of capturing these Glitches were getting smaller every minute. "Eric!" shouted Jeremy. "What attacks does your Azumarril know?" He wanted to distract this terrifying creature before it could fire off another energy bolt. Something that could make a Poke Ball explode... what might it do to a living creature? "Surf, Tackle, Rollout... try Rollout!" the Professor yelled back. Carefully stepping from the Water Rabbit's back onto Squirty's shell, Jeremy stood behind Rose and commanded, "Go Azumarril, use Rollout against that pixel-thing!" The Pokemon curled itself into a blue-and-white spotted ball and flung itself into the air, slamming into 'M. 'M's pixels agitated in irritation as it lobbed a Water Gun attack at Azumarril, who defensively dove underwater. Meanwhile, Squirty slowly swam forward and captured Rose's Master Ball protectively in his mouth. "What do you think you're doing?" snarled MissingNo, shooting a Water Gun attack at the huge Blastoise's face. Squirty shrugged it off and doused MissingNo with a powerful Hydro Pump from his two massive cannons. Just as the attack connected, a fast whooshing noise came from overhead.
"What is this nonsense?" growled MissingNo as a large purple net landed on top of it. The ghost-like creature attempted to shake it off, but the net seemed somehow stuck to its body. An identical net had ensnared 'M, who was furiously shaking its L-shaped body in frustration. 'M's nasty eyes narrowed even further. "Explain this at once!" 'M hissed. "There's more than one way to catch a Pokemon!" cried a familiar female voice. Shielding their eyes from the rain, Rose and Jeremy looked up to see a Meowth-shaped hot air balloon floating directly above them. The purple nets were attached to the bottom of the basket. "Enjoying our new trap?" sneered James. "These are our original design, which we call the Fly-paper Nets. Especially useful for capturing Flying-type Pokemon." "They're coated with a special glue that sticks to a Pokemon's body, preventing it from moving, especially in flight," added Jessie. "So forget any ideas 'bout escapin'," snickered Meowth. "Da Boss'll give us a big raise once we bring him these t'ings." "Hip hip hooray!" cheered Jessie and James as they shared a victory hug, ready to fly off to Rocket HQ. "Wait!" cried Professor Stone, running after the balloon. "Take me along with you." Jessie and James looked at each other questioningly. "Is this guy trying to steal our spotlight?" asked Jessie suspiciously. "If he comes with us, he might claim credit for stealing these Pokemon!" added James nervously. "No no no, nothing like that," said Eric quickly. "You see, I'm the scientist responsible for these things. I need to explain them to Giovanni." "What do you mean, 'explain them'?" asked Jessie. "Their attacks, abilities, and other information - information that only their creator would know. These things are very dangerous, and their accidental release might cause unprecedented chaos." After a pause, Meowth spoke. "I t'ink he's tellin' da truth. Besides, it ain't like we're gonna let him see da Boss before we do. We'll get da credit, then this guy'll explain da rest." After a few moments of hesitation, Jessie and James finally nodded. "Ok, climb aboard," said James, tossing down a rope ladder. "But no funny business." Everyone failed to notice the almost imperceptible glance that passed between 'M and MissingNo. They knew their moment of triumph was imminent. A few more paces, thought MissingNo anxiously. Having been together for so long, the two Glitches had developed their own means of communication, a form of psychic telepathy. As soon as they move us further away from this cursed shoreline that has been our prison for so many years... I agree, 'M answered psychically. It's good that no Poke Ball could carry us from here, making us the servants of those miserable humans... but I had no idea how we'd ever escape that despicable island. Unable to move inland, or further out to sea. unable to venture anywhere but that horrible shoreline. Those detestable researchers did that on purpose, growled MissingNo into 'M's mind. Sky Attack and Water Gun... not Fly or Surf. They knew our unfinished technology prevented us from leaving that small strip of land. They knew that we'd be confined to this place forever, doomed to wander that shoreline for eternity once we escaped their foul laboratory. But no longer... the hour of our victory is at hand! Soon we will crush their very... Quiet! thought 'M. We can't miss this opportunity, and there isn't much time! Ah, my brother, always the calm, rational one,replied MissingNo. But of course. *** A moment later, another glance passed between the Glitch brothers and the purple nets exploded into small shards. Eric gasped in horror, fearing for the safety of the world as he knew it. He let go of the rope ladder and dropped to the ground. Team Rocket was furious at the escape of their quarry, dreams of potential bonuses quickly fading. "How dare you!" screamed Jessie. "Our trap was flawless!" "They worked on a whole flock of Pidgeotto before we got here," whined James. "Da Boss ain't gonna like this..." began Meowth. "Stupid humans," sneered MissingNo. "You don't even realize what you're up against." "It would be our pleasure to show you," drawled 'M, glowing as he lifted into the air. With a mighty Sky Attack, he punctured their balloon, sending them spinning out of control. "And I wouldn't worry about impressing that foolish 'Boss' of yours either," 'M continued. "I doubt he'll be among the living much longer." The Meowth-shaped hot air balloon vanished as a tiny sparkle of light. Butch's eyes grew wide as he heard 'M's threat. The Rocket silently slipped away from the Pokemon Center, unnoticed by the vicious Glitches, and took off running across the Pallet Town Expressway Bridge toward Viridian City. Not that he really cared much about the Boss, but there might be a sizable reward for such important information. Good riddance, thought Entei. "And now that we're finally free of that wretched shoreline," said MissingNo with a smirk, "it's time to insure that we are never imprisoned that like that again." Immediately the two Glitches swooped down, past the Surfing Rose and Jeremy, and rushed toward Professor Stone, who crouched with his arms shielding his head. But the Glitch Pokemon were not interested in the Professor. Instead, they reached for the two backpacks lying on the sand beside the Pokemon Center, and began rummaging through their contents. "Just what I was looking for," gloated 'M, grabbing Jeremy's Hidden Machine for Fly and soaring into the air. "Any luck, my brother?" "This should do nicely," remarked MissingNo, snatching the Hidden Machine containing Surf from Rose's backpack. Suddenly, Rose's baby Meowth leapt forward, hissing angrily at the ghostly Pokemon. "Move, pest," the Glitch snapped, roughly flinging the small Pokemon aside. Turning to leave, MissingNo came face-to-face with a very angry Entei, who shot a powerful burst of flame from his mouth. Barely dodging the attack, MissingNo fled to the water, where 'M was already waiting, hovering above the waves. "I should thank you for the opportunity to escape," said 'M. "We've been trying to leave that cursed shoreline for years, but now with these HMs, we'll at last be able to venture anywhere we please. Perhaps I'll do you all a favor. You shall be the last to die, after we've exacted our revenge on all who would seek to control us." "I wonder where we should begin first," mused MissingNo. "This entire country is so vulnerable, so deliciously ripe for the taking... completely ignorant of our tremendous power." "Of course, we can't have you following us," added 'M, his pixels glowing once again. "So farewell until the day we meet again... the last day of your lives!" At that, Cinnabar Island's power surged to dangerous levels, and all the lights went off as several power lines exploded in a fountain of sparks. All that could be heard was ghostly laughter drifting across the ocean. |