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The Secret of MissingNoBy Mandy Nader Ch. 7: Glitch Confrontation Venturing stealthily from the deserted Cinnabar Research Facility, Rose, Eric and Jeremy slipped across the beach toward the Pokemon Center, followed closely by their newest companion. Eric locked the lab once again, with Butch (still unconscious) inside. "No sense in having him blow our cover by doing something stupid," commented Eric. "Rose, you mentioned that you're able to pick locks?" "I'm not too bad at it," she said, reaching up and pulling a small clip from her hair. "If nothing else, at least Team Rocket teaches the value of practical accessorizing." "With all due respect," answered the Volcano Pokemon, "I think I've got this one covered." Pushing one huge shoulder against the Pokemon Center's front door, Entei gave a mighty shove. The door gave way instantly. "Wow," muttered Jeremy. This new companion was certainly proving to be helpful already. "If you guys don't mind, I wanna check something right quick," said Entei, walking to the PC at the front desk. The group clustered around as the former PC technician worked his magic. Using the sharp claws on his forefeet, the giant Pokemon typed a few lines of code and a long list of information appeared. "Thought so. I was in here to fix this machine about a month ago, and Joy told me the root password. I didn't think she'd change it," he explained, scrolling through the list. "Ok, here we are. Locations of all the Pokemon currently being treated in this Center. You said it was an Articuno? This might be it." He pointed to an entry on the list. Rose peered at the screen. "Level 54... yep, my trainer number matches up, too. Looks like it's stored on this main PC. Mind if I try something? Let's see if I can get Sapphire the legitimate way, or if I have to be sneaky." Entei stepped aside and Rose took over the computer. Restarting the machine, Rose cautiously entered her trainer ID and password, accessing her personal storage system. The Team Rocket girl did a quick search for Pokemon with her trainer number, and when Articuno appeared on the screen, she selected "withdraw". The computer made an angry beep as a yellow text box flashed on screen, "Official Confirmation Code Required to Proceed." Entei keyed the root password once again, and the computer chimed pleasantly. A shiny red-and-white sphere appeared in a tray below the machine. The computer screen read, "Have a nice day!" as Rose powered it down. "It's okay, honey. Mama's here now," she cooed, softly petting her Poke Ball and adding it to her belt. "Thanks for all your help, Entei." "No problem. Anything I can do for a cute blonde," he replied, winking. Rose smiled nervously. Jeremy sighed with relief. "I can't believe that went off without a hitch," he commented as Butch sauntered through the still-open front door. "What's the big idea, leavin' me behind?" he demanded. He glared at Rose accusingly. "Gonna knock over the Pokemon Center by yourself? You're just tryin' to get all the glory from the Boss!" "Get over yourself," muttered Rose. "You know, I could get rid of him for you," offered Entei brightly. "Really, it's no trouble at all. One flamethrower, and poof! End of problem." Butch's eyes widened as Entei grinned widely, displaying his large array of pointy teeth. "Tempting. But I really don't think that would be such a good idea," answered Eric. "Oh come on. Not like anyone would actually miss him." "What about Team Rocket? They'd probably come looking for him sooner or later," commented Jeremy. "Can't I just gnaw on him a little to shut him up? He doesn't need two legs, does he?" Butch gulped, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face. "We appreciate the offer, but no," answered Rose, grinning at Butch's obvious discomfort. "Aww, you guys are no fun," sulked the legendary Pokemon. *** ![]() "I... I don't like the looks of this," began Eric Stone nervously. "Do you see that sky? Looks like a storm's coming." He took a sip of the fresh coffee he had brewed earlier at the old Cinnabar Lab. The group had decided to get some much-needed sleep after liberating Sapphire, and had wound up sleeping through much of the afternoon. It actually worked out to their advantage, since police had been investigating the Pokemon Center break-in all morning. Having found nothing actually stolen, most of the officers left around lunchtime, although a few remained inside the Pokemon Center. "We can't waste any more time," replied Rose, looking out across the now-deserted beach. The sky had gone from blue to dark gray, and a strong wind agitated the palm trees. "We know that one of those Glitches knows Sky Attack. That means it could learn Fly, too. If it Flies away from here, we might never have the chance to catch it again." "Yeah, where's your sense of adventure?" asked Jeremy. "Besides, I've always wanted a rare and valuable Pokemon for my very own." "You're really starting to sound like a Rocket, Jeremy. But anyway," added Rose with a mischievous smile, "we know the cops are looking for us. You can't tell me they're gonna risk life and limb out on the ocean during a storm, just to apprehend a couple of escaped Rocket nobodies. Right?" "I still don't think it's a good idea..." muttered the Professor. "You'll get yourselves killed out there." "Everybody ready?" asked Rose. She stood on Squirty's back, the strong winds whipping her long hair over her shoulders. Beside her, Jeremy stood shakily on the back of the Azumarill he had borrowed from his brother, holding onto his baseball cap with one hand. Professor Stone remained on the beach, research journal at the ready. Rose and Jeremy had left their backpacks with Eric, attempting to keep their Pokedexes from becoming infected with a Glitch-related virus. Butch leaned against the Pokemon Center, watching. He had no particular interest in these Glitch things, but he had nothing better to do at the moment. Next to him, Entei stood guard, keeping an eye open for police or anyone who might disturb the Glitch-hunters. He also kept a close watch on Butch; there was something about this Rocket member he didn't quite trust. The legendary Pokemon sensed that Butch would sell Jeremy and the others out in a minute if it meant even a momentary advantage for himself. "Let's do this!" shouted Jeremy excitedly, thrusting his fist into the air as the first raindrops began to fall. Rose and Jeremy ordered their Water Pokemon to begin Surfing along the coast. After a few minutes, Rose pointed out a faint glowing purple light ahead of them, drifting along the shoreline. Motioning for Jeremy to follow her, Rose slowly approached the light, which seemed to emanate from an odd, L-shaped source. She slowly reached into her pocket and pulled out a Master Ball, much shinier than Eric's had been. "Hey, where'd you get that?" asked Jeremy. "I thought those were supposed to be rare!" Rose winked mischievously. "Team Rocket members are taught how to swipe anything not nailed down... and a few things that are. It's too bad the Rocket laboratory where these are kept has such a pickable lock." She grinned. "I just couldn't help myself! Especially since these are so useful in my own personal research." Jeremy sighed. He really had to stop hanging out with such disreputable people. Turning back to the L-shaped object, Rose readied her Master Ball and aimed it at the cloud of black haze. Suddenly, a powerful stream of water knocked her from Blastoise's back. Her Master Ball landed in the ocean with a loud splash. "Rose! Are you all right?" asked Professor Stone anxiously, glancing up as he furiously scribbled notes into his journal. Entei tensed, worrying for Rose's safety. But due to his weakness to water, the Volcano Pokemon could do little to help. "I'm fine!" she called back, retrieving her Master Ball and holding onto one of Squirty's water cannons. "I think we've found the Glitches!" "Who are you calling 'glitches'?" boomed a deep voice. Rose stared upward in horror to see a leering face smirking down at her. Huge, zombie-like hands loomed over her. Taking a quick breath of air, she ducked underwater, narrowly escaping the apparition's hands. The creature was furious. "You can't stay down there forever! No mere human can escape the wrath of MissingNo!" Thinking fast, Jeremy pulled his own Master Ball from his pocket and hurled it at the ghostly Pokemon, attempting to capture, or at least distract, the horrifying creature. MissingNo disappeared for a moment and the ball splashed into the ocean, sinking into the murky depths. The creature gave a hollow laugh as it reappeared.
"A Master Ball. How predictable you trainers are," sneered the shadowy black ghost. He addressed Stone, who was standing motionless on the shore. "You've been lazy, Professor." The pencil and notebook shook in Eric's numb hands as he shuddered involuntarily. "You're a Pokemon. Why shouldn't you be captured like any other?" asked Jeremy, nervous anger rising in his voice. Rose resurfaced, gasping for air, as she climbed onto Squirty's back once again. "We cannot be contained," came an airy, echoing voice, slightly higher pitched than MissingNo. "The scientists failed to contain us even during our creation. Why should they expect to do so now, after we've spent so much time roaming free?" Jeremy spun to face the source of the second voice. It was the L-shaped creature they had spotted earlier; its entire body was covered in a purple and orange pixel-like pattern, but for two small, slitted eyes. "Y-y-you don't scare me!" he said with a false bravado. "I've battled Pokemon ten times tougher than you look!" As he addressed the second creature, Rose aimed her Master Ball at the L-shaped Pokemon. Just as she hurled the ball, however, the creature began glowing, and soared high into the sky. Her Master Ball fell into the ocean again. "Foolish mortals," sneered MissingNo. "Those childish toys cannot contain us. 'M and I cannot be caught." "'M? MissingNo? That's what you call yourselves?" asked Rose. "Weird." "Yeah, and why can't you be caught with our Master Balls?" demanded Jeremy, feeling a bit more confident. "My brother says they can catch any Pokemon on the first try." "Your brother is a fool," drawled 'M in his airy voice. "The Master Balls were created long before we were. Their technology is far inferior compared to ours." "Master Balls contain organic life forms," continued MissingNo in a patronizing tone. "Our existence can hardly be regarded as 'life forms' of any sort. having never been completed." "So why did you escape before they finished you?" asked Jeremy, recalling his brother's story. "You could have been really powerful." "COULD HAVE BEEN?!?" bellowed MissingNo. "Those foolish humans wanted to 'perfect' us. make us into some pinnacle of human achievement. Once my brother 'M and I gained consciousness, we were immediately aware of our situation as nothing more than experiments." "And not only that," continued 'M, his pixel pattern shifting rapidly as he spoke. "We know they viewed us as imperfect... not good enough. That 'Boss' person viewed us as weak... worthless... and for that, he will pay. All humans will pay." "Whoa," muttered Butch, watching the drama unfold. "An' I thought Mewtwo had issues." |