AKA: u.4, "uyon"
Pokemon #234
Type 1/Pokemaniac
Hex Value: C2
Starting Moves: Nameless Glitch Move, Agility, TM28, Agility
Yellow Equivalent: pPkMnp
Base and Max Stats
HP: 179, Atk: 96, Def: 209, Spd: 96, Spl: 21
HP: 561, Atk: 290, Def: 516, Spd: 290, Spl: 140
Learned Moves: TM05 (Lv. 9), Surf (Lv. 19), TM09 (Lv.30), TM34 (Lv.
44), Wing Attack (Lv. 55), Cut (Lv. 61), Karate Chop (Lv. 62), Flash
(Lv. 70), TM11 (Lv. 94), Glitch Move (Lv. 97)
Learned Moves over level 100: TM05 (Lv. 109), Guillotine (Lv. 170),
TM08 (Lv. 183), TM34 (Lv. 184), <freezes game when learned>
(Lv. 195), Minimize (Lv. 205), TM50 (Lv. 208), TM01 (Lv. 225), <Freezes
game when learned> (Lv. 234), <Freezes game when learned>
(Lv. 240), TM24 (Lv. 241), TM50 (Lv. 245), TM29 (Lv. 255)
TM Moves: Strength, Flash, Razor Wind, Toxic, Horn Drill, Take
Down, Hyper Beam, Counter, Solar Beam, Dragon Rage, Thunder, Mimic,
Bide, Fire Blast, Swift, Dream Eater, Sky Attack, Rest, Thunder
Wave, Psywave, Explosion, Substitute
Encounter Flag: unknown
Capture Flag: Magneton encounter
.4 can be encountered by perfoming the extended Mew
Trick using a Pokemon with a Special stat of 194. It is reported
that the game will freeze upon catching .4 and viewing its Pokedex
data. The game crashes because the Pokemon's cry is not properly
terminated. If the Pokedex does not display, the game will not crash.
As with many glitches, .4 will cause graphical glitches if caught.
.4 shares many similarities with p T and
PokeW Trainer. .4's icon appears as
a Dragon (like Dratini) on the Pokemon screen. Like MissingNo, .4's
stats seem to change randomly.
.4's first attack, the Nameless Glitch Move, has some unusual effects.
In a wild Pokemon battle, the enemy Pokemon will be transformed
into a Vulpix if caught. In a trainer battle, the first move has
"No effect!" Using this move also makes .4 fall asleep.
Additionally, if this move hits, the opposing Pokemon will become
.4 has other unique effects during Pokemon battles. Sometimes in
battle, .4's health bar will drain over and over again, but it can
still be defeated. There are reports of .4 using a move that causes
it to suffer burn damage, even though the text says it's "frozen
solid". .4 may morph into another Pokemon during battle, or
cause the enemy to transform. There are reports of .4 turning your
player name into glitched blocks, and changing your Pokemon into
different species with their original attacks.
.4 is a unique glitch in that it naturally learns three of the
five HM moves (Surf, Cut, and Flash). No HM moves are naturally
learned by any real Pokemon in R/B/Y. If you make .4 learn some
of its later moves, the game can behave strangely by giving you
extra Pokemon below your own party that become poisoned and faint.
Attempting to heal up at a Pokemon Center will freeze the game,
and speaking to your mom causes strange glitches with the TV.
It is not recommended to save .4 onto your game because it has
been known to corrupt save files.

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