h Poke
Pokemon #94
Type 1/Ghost, Type 2/Poison
Hex Value: C3
Starting Moves: Lick, Confuse Ray, Night Shade
Yellow Equivalent: Z4
Base and Max Stats
HP: 60, Atk: 65, Def: 60, Spd: 110, Spl: 130
HP: 323, Atk: 228, Def: 218, Spd: 318, Spl: 358
Learned Moves: HM02 (Lv.8), Conversion (Lv.17)
Learned Moves after level 100: Pound (Lv. 104), TM24 (Lv. 175),
Tackle (Lv. 186), Pound (Lv. 195), <freezes game when learned>
(Lv. 205)
TM Moves: Strength, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Toxic, Body Slam, Take
Down, Double-Edge, Hyper Beam, Submission, Counter, Seismic Toss,
Rage, Mega Drain, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Psychic, Mimic, Double Team,
Bide, Metronome, Selfdestruct, Skull Bash, Dream Eater, Rest, Psywave,
Explosion, Substitute
Encounter Flag: Gengar encounter
Capture Flag: Gengar capture
h Poke can be encountered by perfoming the extended Mew
Trick using a Pokemon with a Special stat of 195. It is reported
that the game will freeze upon catching h Poke and viewing its Pokedex
data. The crash occurs because the Pokemon's cry is not properly
terminated. If the Pokedex does not display, the game will not crash.
Upon encountering h Poke, the game automatically saves. This means
that Hall of Fame data will be scrambled simply by seeing an h Poke,
regardless of whether the player saves afterwards. If used in battle,
h Poke's back image will vary.
It is reported that h Poke will evolve into Gloom at level 224.
Unlike many glitches, h Poke does not seem to cause any strange
effects in your game if it is nicknamed. It appears that only an
un-nicknamed h Poke will cause glitched effects.

Next: PokeW Trainer