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Jessie and James in the final Pokemon manga!

Do you need more proof that Jessie and James are the perfect couple? Here are some factors that turned me into a Rocketshipper:

  1. The above picture is taken from the final Pokemon manga epilogue. You won't see this sequence if you read the individual comics, but if you get the "Surf's Up Pikachu" graphic novel, this is the first page. As you can see, J&J are wearing wedding rings, and it looks like a new baby is on the way!

    Anyway, here's what happens in the Epilogue: J&J, driving in a convertible, arrive in Pallet Town. It seems that the Rockets and the Twerps have patched things up and gone their separate ways. However, Ash has asked the Rockets to deliver a letter to his mom. As Ash's mom reads the letter from her son, there is a sequence of James professing his love to Jessie (with the Twerps watching, Misty's got starry "aw" eyes and Ash is blushing).
  2. While it's true that Jessie and James get scared a lot (and often with good reason), why do they hug so much? Rarely do you see Misty grab onto Ash when she's scared. But lots of episodes have Team Rocket grabbing onto each other in fear. Or happiness. Or just because they came up with another good scheme. Hmmm, seems like a lot of excuses to hug each other.
  3. The Japanese Team Rocket Motto:
    Near the end, Musashi (Jessie) says, "We're the Rocket Gang couple".
  4. The episode "Princess Vs. Princess":
    • when Jessie makes her appearance in the beauty contest, James just gazes at her with his mouth open. Think he likes her?
    • James (holding some big weapon) actually offers to get rid of Misty so Jessie will win the contest. In no other episode does he get so tough and threatening; he wants his girl to win at any cost!
    • Then, when Jessie becomes sad as she remembers her unhappy Princess Festivals of the past, James comforts her (with a backdrop of a rainbow and a rose garden)
    • Finally, when Jessie doesn't win the doll set, James and the TR Pokemon dress up as the set of dolls, so Jessie won't feel so bad about losing the real doll set.

  5. "The Ghost of Maiden's Peak": here's my spin on the episode:
    • For the whole first part of the show, James is drooling over the Ghost Maiden. You can't tell me that Jessie appreciated that, especially after she was pulled over the cliff when she tried to save James from falling.
    • Later in the episode, Jessie is so desperate to save James from the ghost that she (sort of) joins forces with the twerps, allowing her to get the "ghost stickers" for free.
    • Jessie is surprised when James doesn't want to go with the ghost, to which he replies, "Of course I don't want to go." Why wouldn't he want to go with the ghost, unless he had feelings for Jessie?
    • Jessie, probably so moved that James has almost admitted that he cares for her, pulls out a bazooka and blasts a hole in the ghost.
    • James is totally relieved and probably very shocked by this, and he scrambles up the cliff and says, his eyes shining, "You really do care!"
    • Here comes the tricky part. Jessie denies her feelings for him, saying that she only did it because she hates girls who wait around for just one guy. She claims that she would just say "see ya later" because there are "plenty of fish in the sea". But she isn't fooling Meowth. Check out the look on his face while she's saying this whole spiel. He has a look on his face like, "Yeah, right."
    • Would Jessie blast a hole in the ghost just because it got annoying? Or because it tried to take her man away? Let's see, "Hey girl, you can't take him... you haven't got a ghost of a chance!" Not, "You're bugging me" or "Get a life" but "You can't take him!"
    • Besides, all the twerps were standing right there! Do you think she'd want to confess her feelings for James in front of Ash and the gang? Only if she wanted to totally lose face in front of her enemies. Besides, Jessie totally disproves this whole speech at the end of "Holy Matrimony" (see next item)

  6. Watch the ending of "Holy Matrimony". Would James leave his estate and all his money to come back for a girl he didn't care about? And forget what Jessie said in "The Ghost of Maiden's Peak"... she looked awfully sad when she thought James was gone for good. She hardly looked ready to say "see ya later" when she thought her partner was gone forever.
    • Another "Holy Matrimony" idea... When Jessie and James show up outside the mansion, Ash tells them that James has to marry "some girl" within 24 hours to get his inheritance. Nobody ever mentioned that this girl was anyone but Jessie. Maybe that's why Jessie insists that they "fake a wedding and scram with the cash"... She did say "WE'LL fake a wedding"... which means the 2 of them, right? James doesn't want to, cause he knows he'd have to marry Jessebelle, but Jessie doesn't know about her! Which is probably why she's forcing him to get married!
    • Then, when they're apprehended by the butler, James says, "I've got to escape!" and Jessie says, "Oh no, James, you're tying the knot!", Meowth replies with, "Ha! Jessie means you're tying the noose!" I think even Meowth had no clue that there was another girl. After all, the first time I saw the episode, and I heard that James had a fiancee, I automatically assumed that it was Jessie! Wouldn't anyone? That's why I think that Jessie and Meowth were all for James getting married... only he knew the horrible truth!

  7. In "Roll On, Pokemon", TR is discussing the value of Amberite, and Jessie says that it's "fit for a queen", imagining herself decked out with tons of Amberite jewelry, to which James replies, "Sounds good to me." He only wants his girl to have the best!
  8. In "Wherefore Art Thou, Pokemon", Jessie has a short flashback about her past heartbreak with some brown-haired guy (maybe the kid from the photo she had in "Ditto's Mysterious Mansion") and she wonders why nobody has ever loved her. James seems sympathetic, almost like he's going to deny this fact, and he says something about his past failures in love as well. Well, naturally they're not going to have romantic success with anyone except each other.
  9. In "The Wacky Watcher", after James gets the Magikarp unstuck from his head, Jessie gives him a huge hug, almost as if to say, "I'm glad you're ok!"
  10. In "Tanks a Lot", Jessie and James are squabbling over money problems just like a married couple. Then, James says the only reason he spent all their savings on the ArboTank was to make Jessie proud of him!
  11. In "Stage Fight!" Jessie grows furious when the Hitmonchan punches James. She angrily yells, "How dare you strike my friend!" Even though she's been known to smack him a few times, don't let anyone else hurt him!
  12. Same thing goes for "The Song of Jigglypuff". When the skinny long-armed guy is beating James over the head, Jessie screams at him! She yells, "YOU walked into HIM!" Maybe she would have attacked long-arms herself if the fat lady hadn't attacked her.
  13. In "The Ultimate Test":
    • Jessie quits in the middle of the impossible exam, and what reaction does James have? He says, "Jessie's been expelled! I'll have to do my best for her!"
    • As James prepares to battle the instructor, Jessie calls out from the stands, "Come on, James! Beat that ignoramus!" to which he replies, as he's throwing the Pokeball, "This one's for you, Jessie!"

  14. In Pokemon the Movie 2000, Ash and Misty have been arguing about whether she's his girlfriend or not, and Team Rocket tries to dispense some advice on relationships!
    Jessie says, "Listen, kid. Getting involved with the opposite sex is only asking for trouble." (Remember her past heartbreaks?)
    James answers, "And that's the kind of trouble... I like to stay away from." (Remember Jessebelle?)
    Then Meowth chimes in: "Youse two don't need the opposite sex cause you got each other!"

    You know, Jessie doesn't need other guys and James doesn't need other girls, because the two of them are the perfect couple already! Of course, J & J get kinda bugged at Meowth for blurting all this out (not like the twerps had a clue, anyway).
  15. In "Pokemon Fashion Flash", James says, "Roses are the flowers of love and romance!" and he ALWAYS carries a rose with him.
  16. And speaking of roses, notice something else: James' rose matches Jessie's hair... Jessie's earrings match James' eyes... and Jessie's eyes match James' hair... could it be destiny that the colors of their eyes, hair, and accessories match each other so well?
  17. From La rita88 about the Japanese version: "Musashi and Kojiro never call each other with the ~san or ~chan suffix. A lot of people overlook the fact that doing that means that they are extremly close. I mean as in, an almost husband/wife type deal."

  18. Lots of people seem to think James is gay because of his voice and the crossdressing. A couple of arguments against this:
    • In Japan, Kojiro is quite the ladies' man. His song, "Lucky Lucky", is about going to a club, and meeting a girl, and... getting lucky?
    • James has made googly-eyes over several attractive girls in the series - the Maiden's Ghost, Giselle, etc.
    • If James was gay, wouldn't he love shopping? But in "Princess vs. Princess" he looks completely bored while Jessie shops and tries on clothes. When she later suggests that her credit cards need a good workout, he sighs dejectedly. "The Princess Shop-a-thon continues."

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