Rocketshippy FAQ!

Unfamiliar with the "Rocketshipping"? Are you totally unable to see how Jessie and James could be a couple? Read on to see some of the most Frequently Asked Questions answered.

  1. "Shippy"? What's that supposed to mean?

    This is an internet term for "relationship-things"... or more concisely, "shippy". There are many kinds of shippiness as well:

    • Rocketshippy: This is my personal favorite. It involves Jessie and James as a couple. There is a lot of evidence for this in the series (most notably, the ending of "Holy Matrimony" and the "Epilogue" of the final manga).
    • Pokeshippy: This involves Ash and Misty as a couple. All the evidence for this seems to be one-sided... we have "Misty's Song", and plenty of hints from her POV in the episodes ("Misty Meets Her Match", "Wherefore Art Thou, Pokemon?", etc.) but Ash is pretty clueless to the whole thing.
    • Neoshippy: This involves Butch and Cassidy as a couple. There is only a little "evidence" for this... their lines about "Love Power" in "The Breeding Center Secret", and the scene in "Pikachu Re-Volts" where Butch looks angry that James is grabbing onto Cassidy's arm (see the bottom pic on the Rocketshippers' Paradise page). There is quite a bit of this in fanfics, though.
    • There are plenty of additional pairings as well: Gymshipping (Misty & Brock), Palletshipping (Ash and Gary (!)), Orangeshipping (Misty & Tracey), Eldershipping (Delia & Oak). There are also some pretty twisted pairings, such as Duplica & Ditto, Delia & Mr. Mime, Delia & Brock, Tracey & Prof. Oak, and pretty much any combination of the Team Rocket characters that you can imagine, but there is little to no evidence for these bizarre match-ups.

  2. What about the crossdressing?

    There are a number of perfectly normal explanations for that:

    First of all, in Japanese animation, the villains often crossdress, since it makes them even more "evil"... in other words, they are so desperate to get what they want that they'll do anything, even dress like a member of the opposite sex.

    Second, Team Rocket's crossdressing makes sense in the show's context. Think about it: if you were Ash (or one of his friends), and you're biggest opponents were a crimson-haired girl and a bluish-purple-haired guy, would you be suspicious if you were accosted by two girls? Or two guys? Or a red-haired guy and a lavender-haired girl? If you were a twerp, you wouldn't think that was suspicious. Which allows Team Rocket to partially succeed in some of their schemes.

    For example, take episode 15, "Battle Aboard the St. Anne". Do you really think that the kids would have accepted cruise tickets from Team Rocket? Maybe not, but they were more than happy to take them from a pair of "Valley Girls".

    And what about "Pokeball Peril"? Team Rocket had just wrecked the twerps' blimp on Valencia Island. Would the kids want TR in charge for the return trip? Maybe not, but they boarded the new blimp when two male "flight attendants" were in charge.

    Finally (just one more example), take "Wherefore Art Thou, Pokemon?". If TR had dressed as a typical wedding couple, how would they have disguised themselves? But with Jessie as the groom (her hair swept forward over her face), and James as the bride (with the veil covering his face), nobody recognized them!

    Sensing a pattern here? When Team Rocket uses these disguises, they more often than not succeed, at least for a little while.

    One more thing: James isn't the only one (and Jessie, too, for that matter) who crossdresses in the show.

    • Meowth disguised himself as a Nurse ("Sparks Fly for Magnemite) and a Stewardess ("Volcanic Panic").
    • Ash, the show's "hero", became "Ashley" ("Pokemon Scent-Sation")
    • And what about Brock? Remember his frilly pink outfit in "March of the Exeggcutor Squad"? And what about that apron of his? Yeah, I know that it makes sense for him to wear an apron when he cooks, but he always wears a pink, ruffled apron! Tell me THAT'S not a bit girly, and coming from the hormone-crazed Brock!

    But that's not all! What's the main reason for the crossdressing? Because it's funny! Remember the old Looney Tunes cartoons? How often did Bugs Bunny dress as a girl? There was no real purpose to it, other than the fact that it was fun! Many stage plays and comedy routines use this comic element all the time.

    Ok, then, moving on...

  3. What about Ash and Misty? How can Jessie and James be a couple if Ash and Misty are destined to be together?

    First off, that whole thing is totally one-sided (in my opinion). Yeah, there's "Misty's Song", and evidence in "Wherefore Art Thou, Pokemon", "Pokeball Peril", and "P2K the Movie", but when do you ever see Ash even noticing that Misty likes him? Even in "Misty Meets her Match", Misty leaves Rudy behind for Ash, but he doesn't even seem to notice that she likes him, even when Rudy makes a remark about the twerp being a lucky guy. (A similar thing happens in the manga version of this story).

    On the other hand, how much Rocketshippy evidence is there in the series? All those hand-holdings, fear/happiness/caring hugs, not to mention shows like "Holy Matrimony".

    And although it hasn't been officially confirmed, I've heard countless rumors about J&J getting together at the end of the anime series. The main story floating around is that, in the very last episode of the anime, Jessie and James get married. The Epilogue of the manga (in the graphic novel manga of "Surf's Up, Pikachu") shows the two of them together, wearing wedding rings... and Jessie is pregnant! This isn't a fan-created "doujinshi", this is actual authentic Pokemon manga.

    I'm sure the writers intend on wrapping that story up someday, and making the A&M thing happen. There are lots of "Pokeshippers", but I don't see that romance going anywhere right now. While Misty may like him, Ash will remain clueless, blissfully unaware of her feelings for him, at least until he grows up a little. I can't see them really hooking up for quite a while... but who knows?

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