Where Rockets Fly

(Rewritten version of Somewhere that's Green)

Words & Concept by TR Rose and Seleulc2

Sung by:

A motto that's our own
A bright red letter R
A lovely, charming, perfect team
A single twinkling star

Our uniforms, so clean and white
Until we both get fried
By a Thundershock attack
Where Rockets fly

We say our famous lines
He holds a crimson rose
I look like a supermodel
As we strike a Rocket pose

There's Rocket Bombs in our basket
For attacking from the skies
In the Meowth balloon we share
Where Rockets fly

As we go blasting off again,
I honestly don't mind
I'd gladly fly through time and space
Just as long as he's there by my side

I'm his eternal rose
He's James, my one true love
Each day we struggle, hand-in-hand,
To reach the stars above
We might not capture Pikachu, no matter how we try
But I don't care
I know he's there
Where Rockets fly

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