Princess Peach Costume - Part 3

TR Rose's Cosplay Journal

Week of August 7:

I started working on a sample bodice out of crummy fabric for my Peach dress. By lengthening the original bodice pattern (the bridesmaid dress initially had an empire waist), I ran into a few areas that will need tweaking. I will need to bring the sides of the bodice pieces out further because of the lengthened darts. I also need to fine-tune the neckline to look smooth. I've figured out how to make the rounded parts of the collar - I will make the "bumps" out of two layers of pink fabric and one layer of fusible interfacing (so they stand up), and sew them in between the two layers (outside and lining) of the bodice at the neckline. Essentially I'll make them as I did the leaves of the Veggie. Sounds great in theory, but we'll have to see if it really works. At least I have extra fabric if it doesn't.

I found some dark pink sheer fabric in the remnants bin at Jo-Anns, but I'm not sure what I'll do with it. It matches my dark pink fabric exactly. I've been working on my bodice, but I'll have to rethink the neckline idea (my original plan didn't work).

Week of August 14:

I finished up the top layer of the bodice, and my modifications seem to have worked fine. I taped pieces of notebook paper to the actual pattern pieces to get the complete shape I need, and my patterns have turned out. I need to make another bodice just like this one to use for the lining. But before I do that, I need to add the collar to the dress (so it's sewed in between the two layers).

I decided to use a long strip of fabric around the entire neckline for the scalloped collar. I made a pattern out of notebook paper and used my last remaining pink scraps to make the collar (about 25 1/2" long, and 3" tall at the peaks). The collar was made out of two layers of pink fabric (I just barely had enough) and one layer of fusible interfacing (a scrap left over from another project). I sewed it to the dress, and it looks great - there are four "bumps" on either side of the center.

There's just one problem - when I tried it on with the necklace, the invisible cord pulled down on the front of the collar. This isn't going to work. I am considering sewing thread "loops" along the seam between the bodice and collar, and threading the invisible cord through these loops. If my invisible cord doesn't work, I may need to get some pink ribbon instead. It looks like I'll need to integrate the necklace with the bodice if this is going to look good. I have now used up almost all of my light pink fabric.

Week of August 28:

I went to the local costume shop (the only one I can find in town) and picked up a long blonde wig. It needs to be styled, of course, but it's a start. I'll probably get it cut into layers and have the ends flipped up - we'll see what a good stylist can do. I ran into a slight difficulty when I tried it on - now that I've let my hair go to its natural light brown color, my eyebrows are too dark for blonde hair. This hasn't been a problem with any of my other wigs since they were fairly "dark" (red and orange), but it won't work here. I tried several different makeup techniques, and while none are perfect, they look better than my regular dark eyebrows. If anyone has any suggestions on temporary eyebrow lightening, please send me an email (I'm not a makeup girl normally, just for costumes). For the next anime convention, I think I'll dye them lighter, but I'm not doing that for Halloween.

On another topic, I've finished up the bodice. The edges are all Fray-checked, the strings are trimmed, and the back is Velcro'ed. All I have left are the sleeves and the dress is done. The necklace doesn't pull down much now that the bodice closes in the back.

I still need the sleeves and the skirt hem - other than that, I'm finished.

The dress with the hair - I'm not used to being a blonde again

A little more makeup makes the costume look more "finished".

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Princess Peach Princess Toadstool cosplay costume san diego comic-con luigi mario super mario bros. el paso anime convention nintendo power super show princess peach