Information from this section taken mainly from the Bizarre Glitches, Yellow MissingNo, G/S MissingNo, Pokemon Strangeness, and Bad Egg pages (as well as the MissingNo accounts), compiled here into one easy-to-follow guide. Credit for info is given on the pages it originally appeared.

Within the Glitch Dex you will find:
1. How to obtain the glitch
2. What moves it learns
3. Stats (if available)
4. Additional details (unique evolutions, side effects, etc)
5. Screenshots (if available)

If you have something to contribute to the Glitch Dex, please send an email (link on the home page) with the subject "Glitch Dex" and it will be added here. This is far from complete, but any additional information would be very useful.

First Glitch: 'M