Pokemon the Movie 4 - The Cut Scene!

Pokemon 4: The Cut Scene!
By Mandy Owston

A story based VERY loosely on the rumors I'd heard about the 4th Pokemon Movie - namely, that Vicious the new TR member is really the son of Jessie and James - and how the characters might react to this interesting bit of news!

(The twerps and Team Rocket have once again joined forces, when suddenly a new Team Rocket member appears from nowhere.)

Vicious: Whoaaaa. this place sure don't look like home!

Ash: Excuse me, whoever you are, but we're kinda in the middle of something important.

Misty: So if you wouldn't mind, we'll talk to you later.

Vicious: Excuuuuse me! Time was when Team Rocket members were respected and feared! Maybe I should provide a little. incentive for you to respect me. (Pulls out a giant weapon of sorts.)

Brock: Wonder why Team Rocket finds US so interesting.

Misty: We're just lucky, I guess.

James: Wait a minute. you're a Team Rocket member too?

Jessie: We don't need any help around here, so go back to wherever you came from, punk.

Meowth: Dat's right! Clear out cause WE'RE da Rockets in charge here!

Vicious: (looking quizzically at Jessie and James) You know, I had wondered about you two at first, but once I heard that Meowth talk, I was certain. Imagine running into you two here!

Jessie: What do you mean? I've never seen you before in my life!

James: You're talking nonsense!

Meowth: Da kid's totally outta his mind!

Vicious: (shaking his head) It's amazing how much you've changed in forty years. or will change.

Jessie, James, and Meowth: HUH?

Vicious: Don't you recognize me. Mom? Dad?

Ash & Co.: WHAT???

Vicious: (walks over and puts his arms around J&J's shoulders) I can't believe you don't even recognize your own son.

Meowth: (starts giggling) Hahahahaaaa! You're gonna have a kid someday? (winking) Dat must mean you two finally.

Jessie and James: (blushing bright red, shoving their hands over his mouth) SHUT UP, MEOWTH!

Ash: Huh? Would someone explain to me what Meowth's talking about?

Misty: (with a HUGE sweatdrop) Uh. you'll find out when you're older.

Brock: (with a sweatdrop only slightly smaller than Misty's) MUCH older!

Vicious: Well, it's true. I can't believe you guys were once cool Rocket members. Back, er. forward in time when I knew ya, you were typical, mellow adults. except that you had a habit of breaking into song and poetry, and there was a talking Meowth around the house.

Jessie: (in shock) Does that mean that someday.

James: (also in shock) We're going to be BORING?

Meowth: I can't imagine dat two people as weird as youse guys could EVER be boring!

Jessie: (turns to Vicious) Tell me, kid.

Vicious: Yes, Mom?

Jessie: (making a face) Eww, not for awhile! Anyway, do we ever manage to capture Pikachu?

Vicious: Pikachu?

James: (pointing at Ash and Co.) Pikachu! Right over there!

Vicious: Nah. Actually, that's part of the reason I'm here.

Everyone: HUH?

Vicious: Yeah, when you two guys retire from Team Rocket, I inherit your old mission. so let me be the first to say. YOU! (Points to Ash) Hand over that little rat right now!

Ash: Do we have to go through this?

Jessie: (to Vicious) Listen, kid, there's a reason we never.

Vicious: Can it, Mom! I'm gonna be ten times the Rocket you two ever were.

James: Don't you talk to your mother that way! (Everyone stares at him) Er, uh. never mind.

Meowth: Just don't say we didn't warn ya.

Vicious: I don't need your warnings! I'm ready for this! (Pulls a bazooka out of thin air)

James: He must have inherited that talent from you, Jess.

Vicious: And now to nab that Pikachu. Eeeeheeheehee! (Does a James giggle)

Jessie: Wonder where he gets THAT from.

Ash: Almost hate to do this.

Vicious: You're done, Pikachu! (Readies the bazooka)

Ash: Pikachu, Thunder attack!

Pikachu: Pi. ka. CHUUUUUU!!! (Lights up the sky with lightning)

Vicious: (totally zapped) WAAAAAAAA! (His bazooka explodes in his face, and he flies off into the sky) Mom, Dad, I think you had a saying for this part. I'm blasting off againnnnnnnn!!!!

(Star twinkles)

(Jessie and James sweatdrop)

Meowth: You t'ink DIS will make it into the final cut of da movie?

Everyone else: LET'S HOPE NOT!

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