Cosplay Quotes and Mis-quotes

You can research a costume and get every detail right, and people will still be clueless to who you're dressed as. Sometimes people will blurt out things about your costume that are completely off. Other times they'll say things you never thought you'd hear. This page highlights some of the best (and worst) quotes I've heard.

Costume: Team Rocket

  • "What's the R stand for?"
  • "You're cheerleaders!"
  • "Team Rocket! May I glomp you?"
  • *shaking fist* "You blasted kids! Stop diggin' holes in my lawn!"

Costume: Raichu

  • Fanboy: "That's the hottest Raichu I've ever seen."
  • Fangirl: "Raichu's the only Pokemon I like at all! Can I get a picture?" *poses for pic, grabs Raichu's butt* "Thanks!" (note I said "fangirl")

Costume: Entei

  •  "Hey, it's a Wookiee!" (Wookiee on steroids maybe)
  • *screams* "You scared the sh*t out of me!"
  • "Holy sh*t!"
  • "You're that Pokemon from the 3rd movie... your name sounds like 'hentai'."

Costume: Ed from Cowboy Bebop

  • Fangirl: *long high-pitched scream, entire dealer's room turns around* "Oh my gosh, it's ED!!!"
  • "You're Misty, right?"
  • Large Sweaty Man (LSM): "A non-sequitor - you make a great Ed, but has anyone ever told you that you look just like Anne Hathaway?"
    Ed: "Yes, I've been told that."
    LSM: "Would you mind if I gave you a hug? I've always wanted to hug Anne Hathaway." *hug* "I've always wanted to hug Ed, too!"

For Lt. Surge:

  •  "Sergeant Surge"
  • "Sergeant Lightning? Sergeant Thunder?"
  • Workers at UNICOR Army laundry service: "We didn't know what to do with these. We've never seen these before... What are those patches? Nuclear? Nuclear energy?"
  • Workers at UNICOR Army laundry service: "Any more Chinese patches to sew on today?"

For "The City With No People" character from Chobits:

  •  "You're that pink thing from Chi!"

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