The Secret of MissingNo - Cast of Characters

New character profiles will be listed as additional characters appear!

Jeremy Stone

A typical teenage Pokemon trainer, Jeremy had just earned his eighth and final Gym Badge when he suddenly encounters his long-lost brother, Professor Eric Stone. Jeremy agrees to help him track down the elusive Glitch Pokemon, putting his own Pokemon quest (and battle with the Elite Four) on hold. What starts out as a simple favor, however, soon escalates into a large-scale quest, filled with new friends, enemies, and strange Pokemon.

Will Jeremy ever get to compete in the Pokemon League, or will his involvement with a disgraced professor and several Team Rocket members put a blemish on his reputation for good?

Jeremy's Pokemon: Pidgeot (Windslicer), Hypno (Nightmare), Golem, Persian, Venusaur (Nutri), and Growlithe (Scorch)

Professor Eric Stone

Eric was one of the original genetic scientists hired by Giovanni to create the "ultimate" Mew clone. Although his research was progressing well, Giovanni was dissatisfied with his created Pokemon, claiming they weren't powerful enough. Soon thereafter, two of the unfinished experiments escaped. Fearing for his safety, Eric fled to Viridian City and began hiding out, playing the role of 'crazy old man'. Eric has an intense passion for coffee, and is seldom seen without a mug of his "glorious caffeine". Perhaps that explains his nervous behavior (besides the fact that Giovanni blames him for the loss of the cloned Pokemon).

As the scientist responsible for creating the Glitch Pokemon, Eric alone has the in-depth knowledge that can stop them... or does he?

Eric's Pokemon: Alakazam, Azumarill

Rose of Team Rocket (Class B)

Although Rose started off as a legitimate Pokemon trainer, she joined up with Team Rocket for various reasons. A specialist in Pokemon mysteries, Rose is fascinated by the unexplained phenomena of the Pokemon world (such as Glitch Pokemon). Despite being a Team Rocket member, Rose loves Pokemon and treats them as friends, especially her baby Meowth (the son of the talking Meowth).

Calm and level-headed, Rose usually acts as the voice of reason for Jeremy's team. But will her Team Rocket background and knack for devising scams cause the group even more trouble?

Rose's Pokemon: Meowth (Kitty), Victreebel (Sprouty), Blastoise (Squirty), Articuno (Sapphire), Raichu (Sparkles)

Butch of Team Rocket (Class A)

Class A Rocket member Butch isn't fun to be around when he's running the show, but when he's not getting his own way, he's an insufferable twit. Sarcastic, angsty, and constantly complaining, Butch seems to despise everything (and everyone) around him.

Abandoned by his partner, Cassidy, Butch finds himself in jail with no indication that the Boss will bail him out this time. Will he lower himself to assist Jeremy and his friends, or will he sell them out at the first opportunity?

Kevin Gold

A trainer visiting from Johto, Kevin and Jeremy instantly connect through their love of Pokemon. As the two trainers prepare for a friendly battle, Team Rocket suddenly appears and Kevin's demeanor completely changes. The Johto trainer becomes furious and vows revenge against Jeremy and his friends for being "Rocket members".

Little is known about this angry and potentially dangerous rival trainer. What powerful Pokemon might he have at his disposal? And why does he hate Team Rocket so much?


This Legendary Pokemon is actually not a Pokemon at all: a strange incident involving corrupted Pokedex data and the mysterious Unowns caused a former PC technician's mind to fuse with the body of Entei. This Entei is down-to-earth, blunt, and a bit foul-mouthed, but he seems to be a decent guy (when he's not hitting on Rose).

Adept with computers and super-strong, Entei adds some much-needed muscle to Jeremy's team of Glitch-hunters. But just who is this man underneath all that fur?


The stronger of the two Glitch Pokemon, MissingNo is known for its ability to mimic the opposing Pokemon's type without using Transform or any other move. After gaining consciousness, MissingNo was furious that he and his brother, 'M, were viewed as nothing more than experiments, and both Glitches soon escaped from Cinnabar Lab.

Angry and sarcastic, MissingNo seeks revenge on the world in general through blunt force. But can blunt force alone conquer the world to his liking?


What 'M lacks in physical strength, he more than makes up for with his sharp mind. While MissingNo specializes in brute force, 'M possesses incredible cunning and craftiness. The Glitch Pokemon are able to communicate telepathically with one another, but 'M's psychic abilities are much stronger, allowing him to "speak" into someone's mind, even from a great distance.

Smarmy and snide, 'M is the brains behind the Glitches' schemes. But what is his real motivation for escaping into the world?

Desiree of Team Rocket (Executive)

Rose's mother is a high-ranking Executive with a lot of power in Team Rocket. When she hears of her daughter's arrest, she arrives with a helicopter full of Rocket Grunts to recover Rose's confiscated Articuno and break her out of jail. Desiree carries enough authority to easily get Jeremy and Eric inside TRHQ, disguised as Rocket members.

Few details of Desiree's life are known, but she seems to be an effective, efficient Rocket Elite. Always on the lookout for rare and valuable Pokemon, might Desiree have her own agenda for finding and capturing the Glitch Pokemon?

Desiree's Pokemon: Eevee


Myall was created by Professor Eric Stone in a last-ditch attempt to thwart 'M and MissingNo's attempts at world domination.

Originally designed to be a Mew clone (focusing on Mew's physical appearance), Stone later added DNA from Entei, Jeremy's Persian, and Rose's Meowth to complete the creature. She is a very gentle kitty, since the very first emotions she experienced after 'birth' were love and affection.

Myall's exact abilities are unknown, but she seems to possess telepathic skills, as well as new moves (Psy Dust and Crystal Wave). She seems to be a very strong Pokemon, as befitting a creature with so much Legendary DNA.

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