
"In "The Breeding Center Secret," Jessie meets her arch nemesis, Cassidy, face to face. Cassidy is one half of the "other" Team Rocket and, along with her partner Butch, also attempts to climb the ladder of success. Not only does their plan to steal Pokemon work, but "The Boss" likes their style. When Jessie and James stumble on their rivals' plans, an all out war between our heroes and both Team Rockets ensues."
~Topps Trading Card - Cassidy of Team Rocket (HV5)

Cassidy and her partner Butch are known as the "other" Team Rocket, Class A agents who have been foiled by Ash and the twerps on at least three separate occasions. Like Jessie and James, Cassidy and her partner Butch have their own Team Rocket motto that they spout off before revealing their true identities.

Apparently, Jessie and Cassidy had once been friends. Jessie says, "She used to hang around with me. She was jealous because I was so beautiful." Cassidy remarks that Jessie hasn't changed a bit, unfortunately for her, to which Jessie replies, "And you're still a spoiled little brat!" It's not known when or where Cassidy and Jessie first met. It's possible that they may have been 'friends' back at Pokemon Tech. (See my fanfic, Beginnings: Pokemon Tech for details).

Cassidy seems to still hold a grudge against Jessie, for whatever reason, taunting her at every opportunity. She even claimed the Boss was going to throw Jessie out of Team Rocket ("It's only a rumor of course, it's not official"). Jessie detests her as well, once commenting that her rival, Cassidy, is someone she'd "like to throw down a Raticate hole!", imagining herself ripping up a poster of the Class A Rocket. Apparently, their rivalry extends back to their first days in Team Rocket, where they try to outdo one another while running on treadmills.

Cassidy seems to have a fixation with rats. Her main Pokemon is a Raticate, and everyone who annoys her is referred to as a "rat". She calls the trap set in the phony Breeding Center a "rat trap", and says they have to "exterminate" the little "rats" that have snuck inside.

Cassidy is as famous for her run-on sentences as Butch is for his froggy voice. It seems she rarely needs to take a breath when she's in the middle of one of her rants.

Cassidy is the spokes-Rocket for her team, drawing crowds, appearing on television commercials, and directly dealing with the public. Apparently, her performance is quite convincing: Misty thinks she's 'really nice', and Brock finds her attractive (then again, when DOESN'T Brock find a female attractive?).

Although Cassidy and her partner Butch have been thrown in jail on three separate occasions, the Boss has bailed them out, at least the first two times. As she tells Jessie and James, "We're on the same team, but in different leagues." The "other" Team Rocket has probably brought Giovanni a great number of Pokemon acquired in their large-scale scams, thus earning his favor.

It is rumored that Cassidy's line "Love Power!" might be more than a catch phrase. Rumors fly regarding "Neoshipping", the idea that Butch and Cassidy are more than simply partners.

While that remains to be seen, it's likely that Butch and Cassidy haven't left Ashy-boy's life for good. After all, Cassidy would never let "that Jessie and her stupid partner James" steal the spotlight in EVERY episode!

"I can't understand why more people don't know about us when it's so obvious that WE'RE the best Rockets there are!"

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