A-Kon 16 - Dallas, TX - June 3-5

A-Kon was my very first anime con, and it was lots of fun. I got to see some amazing costumes and experienced some new anime-related things. Here I will share a few of my observations:

  • Team Rocket is universally loved. As Jessie and James, we were "glomped" and hugged quite a bit more than I thought we'd be. Some fangirls just glomped James. Fans rushed up to us yelling, "I always cheer for you guys!" We couldn't take more than five steps without some bold (or timid) fan asking for a photo. The Team Rocket motto was referred to as "the lines" or "the mantra", and fans never get tired of hearing it.

  • I'm using Sculpey in the next costume I make. I saw some incredible costume pieces done with Sculpey, including Bakura's Millenium Ring, Zelda's shoulder armor, and all kinds of decorations and jewelry. I never would have thought to use it.

  • Some fans are very creative and detail-oriented. Not only were there tons of Links and Marios running around, but there were variants on these - not all Links were wearing the Kokiri Tunic: several were in the Goron and Zora tunics as well, and there were even a few Shadow Links. One Link even had a small Navi on his shoulder. Aside from regular Mario, there was also a Fludd Mario, Cape Mario, and Raccoon Mario, as well as several Luigis and even a Wario and Waluigi. Minor game characters such as Toad, Lakitu, and a Poison Mushroom could be found wandering the Con. I never dreamed Nintendo characters would be so popular here.

    A host of Naruto ninjas roamed the Con as well - and not just Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. Minor characters were everywhere (Gaara of the Sand was very popular). Some fans even invented their own school of ninjitsu like the Swiffer Ninjas.

    We even encountered a pair of Rocket grunts traveling with an Aqua and Magma duo, as well as a Meowth and a Pikachu. There were a few Ashes running around. Entei and Raichu were recognized by most. A few people even recognized Lt. Surge. Pokemon must still be popular with this crowd.

  • I learned just how popular yaoi (pronounced "yowie") is in anime. When Concolor and I were headed for the Cosplay event (as Raichu and Entei) there was a massive crowd of cheering people taking pictures. It was only when I got closer than I saw the attraction: two guys were making out. I had no clue.

  • Anime merchandise is readily available here. I found a bunch of imported plushies that I'd seen on ebay for quite a bit of cash plus shipping - here, $12 each. Pocky was to be found in abundance, as well as some treats I'd never had before. There are these neat sodas called Ramune that are vacuum-sealed with a tiny glass ball. Definitely more about looks than function, but very neat.

  • There were a few fursuiters there. Many non-costumed attendees were wearing cat ears and tails. I guess the line between furry and anime isn't clearly defined.

  • The most popular costume series were definitely Inuyasha and Naruto. I think every character was represented in some form or another. Still, video game characters were popular too, something I very much didn't expect.

  • Some fangirls run "glomp" tallies. Obviously characters like Link are going to get lots of random hugs, but I didn't expect Team Rocket to get so many. All my costumes were popular (Jessie, Ed, and Raichu), but of Concolor's costumes, only James got hugs - I think people were a little afraid of Lt. Surge and Entei.

  • Of all the costumes I have, the Team Rocket outfit is the most comfortable. You might not think it, but TR has the right idea traveling in those clothes. If you take off the "R" shirt, most people don't give you a second glance. Ed's clothes are comfortable, but the shirt's a little... short.

  • Several big anime companies were there. J-List had a huge booth, and Beckett had a table in the art room. I can't believe there were people here that I'd actually heard of before. Beckett photographed Team Rocket and the Pokemon costumes, so we'll have to check some upcoming issues.

  • I got to hear J-Pop for the first time. It... sounds just like ordinary pop music, except in Japanese with a few English words sprinkled in. I don't see the big attraction, but that's just me.

  • I'm doing a Cosplay skit next time. I was afraid the skits would have to be really funny or well-planned, and it turns out that most of them were neither. I know I can come up with something good for the next convention. I have some ideas... but you'll have to wait and see!

  • I want to get into DDR. Wouldn't it be hilarious to see Team Rocket doing DDR? I think I'll need to pick up some dance mats and learn before the next con. Besides, it's good exercise, right?

  • 12 hours in a car isn't all THAT long. The trip back was easier than the trip there, namely because Concolor wasn't food poisoned on the way back. Driving in shifts isn't bad, and at least we got to drive along I-20 instead of I-10 (which is all desert). The time zone change is a little irritating, but we dealt with it.

  • I can't wait to go to another one!
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