Holiday at Acapulco

This episode was shown summer 2000, called "Beauty and the Beach". However, you may have noticed that some things didn't seem to make sense. If you wondered that, or perhaps you saw the infamous "swimsuit contest" picture online, here's the REAL story! (Personally, the first time I saw this, I thought it was a bad Photoshop edit!)

Some of this episode has been seen before the cut version was aired:

  • In "Hypno's Naptime", there's a shot of Ash waving goodbye to his mom, who's wearing a green swimsuit and holding a trophy. It came from here.
  • In the Pokemon Live show, during Team Rocket's song, "The Best at Being the Worst", a clip of the CUT scene was shown on the monitors! I don't know how many people noticed it, but, shown to the entire audience, there was a shot of Jessie and James in their swimsuits, right when Brock is announcing them as the "Rocket Sisters" (this was the shot of just the two of them (at top of page), NOT their shot with Misty).
  • In "Tentacool and Tentacruel", we see the restaurant owner from THIS show at the end, when Nastina blasts off. Nastina refers to the restaurant owner (can't recall her name) as her "cousin". This makes no sense if you didn't see this Lost Episode, though!
    (Of course, "Tentacool and Tentacruel" is practically a lost episode itself - I don't think it's ever been shown except for the very first time. A few years back, when they were showing all the early episodes in order, they conveniently skipped that one. It's available on VHS, though).

Stuff that was cut from "Beauty and the Beach":
  • First and foremost were the appearances of Team Rocket in the swimsuit competition. Right after Kasumi (Misty) walks down the runway, and gets a little applause, she is shoved aside by Musashi and Kojiro, who are BOTH wearing bikinis!
  • Then, after Gary's cheerleaders show up, there is a shot of Musashi and Kojiro. They are backstage, complaining that they are BOTH more attractive than Gary's girls.
  • The trophy that Ash's mom is holding was originally her prize for winning the swimsuit contest (how can THAT be? Unless Oak was the judge...) I can see beating TR (since one of the members is male!) but to beat out ALL SIX of Gary's cheerleaders...? Anyway, in the English dub the trophy was changed to an appreciation trophy for Ash, who "saved" them from the Gyarados.

In short, the English dub of this does NOT do justice to the real thing! In fact, it's pretty lame for a "long lost episode"... the best part of the original was, of course, Kojiro (James) in a swimsuit! And Kasumi(Misty)'s reaction...

Synopsis of missing scene:

Musashi and Kojiro bump Kasumi out of the way as the crowd is cheering for her.
Kasumi: Kojiro, aren't you a boy?
Kojiro: What does it matter when I'm this beautiful? And look, I can make my chest even bigger!
(He adjusts nozzle, his knockers inflate)
Kojiro: Perfect! (Kasumi looks horrified)

Takeshi: Suddenly, two mistresses appeared. But will the judges think their appearance is rude?

(Crowd goes wild. Kasumi cries.)

Kojiro: Wait until you're older and have these! (waving breasts in her face).

Later... Shigeru's cheerleaders appear. Team Rocket is none too pleased as the crowd cheers even louder.

Musashi: What's wrong with them? I'm much more beautiful than all of them!
Kojiro: I'm sexier too!

What are you STARING at, Misty? ;)
Y'know, I am so glad that towel is there...

Ok, I'll admit that IS rather freaky...

Yeah, I'd cry too if James looked better in a bikini than I did...

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