Most Wanted (And Not Wanted) List
What I want (things I don't already have posted):
- Glitches, Tricks, and Quirks you've discovered in any video game.
Please check the main Glitch page for details.
- Glitch or The Secret of MissingNo fan art, including custom sprites.
- Song Lyrics and/or translations to Japanese Pokemon/Team Rocket songs
that I don't already have posted
- Screenshots from Japanese Pokemon intros/endings not seen in the US
(ending music videos, scenes cut from the intros we have, etc.) I have
info on the "Lost Episodes", so I don't want anything for
- Scans of Japanese Pokemon CD covers/inserts/extras, as well as track
- Pictures of strange and unusual Team Rocket stuff (for example, Japanese
merchandise?) and where you've seen it.

What I don't want:
- Shiny Pokemon data. I'm no longer adding to this page or
listing shiny Pokemon.
- Your "theories" on why glitches appear. This has already
been solved. This isn't a practical
joke, or an attempt to mess up your game, it's just a glitch. The
Hex List details everything for you.
- Fake Pokemon game info - Pokegods, for example. There is no way
to get Pikablu in R/B/Y - so I don't want "real" codes
on how to do so. If you submit a fake code for the Mew page, don't
claim it's true.
- Repeat data on Glitch City or MissingNo. Please read all pages
before you send me anything.
- Your Hall of Fame screens. I'm not posting any detailed info or
pictures of glitched Hall of Fame results here.
- Fake Pokemon/sprites that do not fit the current contests. Only
contest entries will be posted on the Fake Pokemon page. I have
gotten so many of these that it's not even funny.
- Info on the Lost Episodes. I have pages up for these already.
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