TR Rose's College Sketchbook
Most of these images were sketched in notebook margins on particularly slow days
of class.

1/26/01: An idea I had for a series of artwork, called "Meowth's Cat Fights"

2/1/01: After playing cards down in the Commuter Lounge, I drew this in
my next class.
Meowth looks like he's cheating, doesn't he?

2/22/01: A sketch based on the ending of "Holy Matrimony"

3/26/01: A sketch of the "other" Rockets, Butch and Cassidy.

3/26/01: A little sketch of me, Team Rocket Rose

7/27/01: Jessie as Articuno (the counterpart to Moltres James!)

7/29/01: And don't forget Zapdos Meowth, the other Legendary Rocket!

8/29/01: Cute Meowth on a ball of yarn

9/4/01: Meowth pouncing the ball of yarn

9/5/01: Pokemon faces: Meowth, Clefairy, Jigglypuff

9/25/01: Chibi pic of Team Rocket Rose

10/2/01: A couple cute Eevees!

10/4/01: Jessie, manga-style
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