San Diego Comic-con International 2006

July 20: Cosplaying as Princess Peach and Luigi


If you are featured in one of the photos here, send me an email if you'd like the full-sized version for your collection.

Highlights of the day:

  • At the Nintendo DS booth, I got to meet Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi! He was a real sweetheart who was more than happy to pose for pictures and give autographs.

  • Also at the Nintendo DS booth, I learned that the Nintendo people were giving away prizes to the best Nintendo-themed cosplayers who stopped by. You can imagine my surprise when they presented Concolor and I with a shiny new DS Lite and two DS games! We also got some great photos posing with the larger-than-life Mario mascot (I think half of the convention got pictures of us posing with Mario!) AND we were also photographed by a reporter from Nintendo Power magazine. I wonder if our photos will make it in an upcoming issue?

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