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Electric Soldier PorygonEven so, this caused a LOT of negative attention for Pokemon, especially since it was just becoming known over here in the US. Many parents were afraid that ALL Pokemon episodes would have bad effects on their children. For this reason, ALL bright flashes (such as Pikachu's electricity) during the early episodes of Pokemon are dimmed (much too heavily, I think). In any case, this episode was never shown again in Japan, and never released for American audiences, even though the bright flashes could easily have been painted over (heck, they painted out all the Japanese characters, this shouldn't be too difficult). But parents would doubtless be worried about their children getting seizures, so it is likely that this episode will never again see the airwaves. The official Japanese videos don't include it (although they do include Holiday at Acapulco and Legend of Dratini). So do you know what that means? That means that any surviving episodes of Electric Soldier Porygon had to originate from that single airing of the show, from someone who just HAPPENED to tape Pokemon on that fateful day. And I've managed to acquire one via Ebay. No, I cannot make you copies, or sell you my tape. A few sites that used to sell tapes of this have since shut down. What I can suggest is to do an Ebay search as I did for Pokemon subtitled episodes. Some good words to include are "banned", "lost", "Porygon", etc. and see what you get!
In case you can't find a tape and want to know what happened anyway, here's my synopsis:
In one of the most unusal Pokemon episodes ever (not to mention one of the hardest to find!), Ash and friends decide to take Pikachu to a Pokemon Center because he's not feeling well. But when they arrive, Nurse Joy seems to be preoccupied with a computer transport problem. Strange errors keep happening as Pokemon are transported... for instance, a Ninetales is sent through, but comes out as a Magikarp on the other side! A computer inventor, Professor Akibahara is with her, arguing that there CAN'T be a problem with a system he invented! He becomes angry at the mention of a computer virus, and runs from the Pokemon Center. Ash and friends follow him to his laboratory (which seems to resemble James's childhood home), and after wandering through the darkness for a few minutes, are stopped by an enormous holographic polygonal image of Akibahara's head, which leads them into a glass cylindrical room. We discover that the real professor is talking through the hologram, and tells the twerps that Team Rocket broke into the lab, stole the prototype for Porygon, a CG Pokemon, and transported themselves inside the computer. Then, despite the twerps' protests, Akibahara transports them too inside the computer, instructing them to get Team Rocket out. He also gives them a Porygon. The twerps arrive inside the computer, and their small Porygon expands to a size they can all ride on. They soon come upon Team Rocket, who has literally blocked the Pokemon Transport Highway with construction roadblocks, preventing Pokeballs from passing through. Ash & friends begin to move the signs when Team Rocket attacks with Arbok and Weezing.
The Twerp Porygon uses an attack called "Texture" to take on Weezing's texture and block its Smokescreen attack. Jessie then throws another Pokeball, and releases the Team Rocket Porygon (it even has a little "R" flag on its tail). The two Porygons have a great battle (the TR Porygon makes its nose especially long like a sword, and the Twerp Porygon counters by turning into a shield shape).
During the battle, Akibahara (via computer screen) commands Ash to start clearing the Highway. TR tries to stop him, but are almost slammed by all the Pokeballs rushing from behind the barrier.
Meanwhile, Nurse Joy has taken matters into her own hands, and calls tech support herself. The tech from Central implements a strong 'vaccine' (which actually looks like an ambulance) into the system, much to Akibahara's dismay. The professor quickly contacts Ash and tells him to get out of there before the vaccine arrives. However, the vaccine shows up quickly and targets Ash & friends as the 'virus' in the computer. Porygon dashes to the rescue, flying them to safety. Team Rocket still wants to fight, but Ash warns them of the vaccine. They, too, fly off on Porygon.
Back at the Pokemon Center, the tech runs an anti-viral program on the vaccine, which causes "bug holes" to open in the computer. Ash & friends are nearing the exit transport when they realize that Team Rocket has fallen into a bug hole, and their Porygon is unconscious.
It is at this point that the vaccine begins firing missiles at the 'viruses'. Team Rocket is afraid it's all over for them as the missiles hone in on them. But a moment later, they awaken to find themselves suspended from Ash's Porygon via Bulbasaur's Vine Whip. But now the sole surviving Porygon is way over its weight limit, and is moving too slowly to avoid the vaccine missiles.
Pikachu begins shocking the missiles (causing the screen to flash blue and red very quickly, inducing seizures in people sensitive to flashing lights), and the whole group makes it through the exit. However, doing so causes Akibahara's entire lab to explode. Team Rocket thanks the twerps for saving them and runs off, whilst Akibahara bemoans the loss of his invention. Ash returns to the Pokemon Center, where Joy is blissfully unaware of what really happened inside the computer. Pikachu finally gets treatment, and the whole group is happy once again. Pretty trippy, huh? :)
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