Professor Oak Shrine

It's the Wonderful World of Professor Oak! Here are some pictures and stuff about my hero!

Ode to Oak

His hair is gray, he might seem old
But Professor Oak is great to behold

He feeds the Pokemon three times a day
And he has a yard where they can all play

He cares for all Pokemon, he's got such a big heart
He programmed the Pokedex, he's just so smart

I help him in the lab, do anything that I can
To help out this terrific man

When I show him my sketches, I can see his eyes glow
He must have been a watcher too, long ago

Professor Oak, what a wonderful guy
Pokemon love him (and so do I!)

Why Oak Totally Rules

Professor Oak totally rules. That's all there is to it. He looks after all the Pokemon that trainers send him. And he doesn't even charge babysitting costs! He's really good at it, too. All the Pokemon are happy and well-fed. And so am I. Oh, I forgot to mention that I work in Professor Oak's lab. I'm just a volunteer, cause I'd never ask for money from someone so great. Just being in his presence is enough for me. And having him look at my sketches. Professor Ivy never looked at my sketches. But Professor Oak does. And he even says they're "Very Nice!". Isn't that amazing! I can't believe that someone as famous as Professor Oak would take the time to look at my sketches, let alone think they're "Very Nice!". He's just the greatest guy in the whole world. And I live with him. Life is good.

Living with Oak: My Daily Journal

April 1:
I sketched Pokemon today. I do that every day, but today I got to sketch Mr. Mime when Ash's Mom came over for a visit. She's nice, but nowhere near as nice as Professor Oak. Professor Oak made some of his famous tea, and I got to taste some cake he made too! Professor Oak is so talented, I'm almost jealous. I want to be just like him.

Anyway, Ash's Mom had gotten a letter from Ash recently. Ash is pretty cool. He's the one who introduced me to the great Professor Oak. Ash got his Pikachu from Professor Oak. I wonder if the Professor will ever give me a gift like that? It doesn't really matter, since just being around him is the best gift I could ever ask for!

Ash's Muk jumped on Professor Oak again today. It's kinda disgusting how Muk just flings itself onto Professor Oak. Doesn't Muk have any respect for this great and talented man? I guess I won't be sketching Muk any time soon!

Well, a couple of unusual-looking Pokemon that I've never seen before were shipped to the lab earlier, and I want to sketch them right away. I'll write more tomorrow!

Sketchily yours,

A really nice Professor Oak picture that I couldn't resist adding!

Sketch me back home!