All About Myall

Myall was created by Professor Eric Stone in a last-ditch attempt to thwart 'M and MissingNo's attempts at world domination.

Originally designed to be a Mew clone (focusing on Mew's physical appearance), Stone later added DNA from Entei, Jeremy's Persian, and Rose's Meowth to complete the creature. She is a very gentle kitty, since the very first emotions she experienced after 'birth' were love and affection.

Myall's exact abilities are unknown, but she seems to possess telepathic skills, as well as new moves (Psy Dust and Crystal Wave). She seems to be a very strong Pokemon, as befitting a creature with so much Legendary DNA.


Type: Psychic
Deflect causes the opponent's next move (if it's a direct attack) to be psychically returned back to it at 50% of its original strength. The Pokemon that used Deflect will not take any damage from the initial attack. This move becomes less accurate the more it is used. If the opponent used a status-affecting move (anything that does not deal damage), then Deflect does nothing.

Bubble Shield
Type: Psychic
Bubble Shield creates a shining barrier that raises Myall's Defense and Special Defense for five turns. Any enemy that makes physical contact with Myall in the five turns after Bubble Shield has been used (whether the shield is still intact or not) stands a 30% chance of being burned. All effects vanish within five turns.

Psy Dust
Type: Psychic
Psy Dust throws a cloud of shimmering purple dust into the opponent's eyes to reduce accuracy. Additionally, the opponent stands a 50% chance of being confused when hit by this attack. A Pokemon Power like Keen Eye prevents a Pokemon from suffering any effects from this attack (including confusion).

Crystal Wave
Type: Fire
In a wild Pokemon battle, Crystal Wave has a 40% chance of Crystallizing the opponent. Crystallize completely immobilizes the wild Pokemon and reduces its speed dramatically. This effect doesn't wear off until the wild Pokemon is captured, KO'ed, or Myall flees the battle.
In a trainer Pokemon battle, Crystal Wave has a 30% chance of being a one-hit KO.

Character Evolution





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