More Lost Scenes!!!
There are several episodes that have been aired over here in the US, but have
been altered for TV broadcast. Some of the original versions can be seen
on the Viz videos of the Pokemon shows, but others are lost to US viewers
for good.
- In "The Song of Jigglypuff", one scene several seconds long is missing from the Kids' WB showing of the episode. Right after the fat lady bumps into Jessie, yelling, "I'll make you pay for that!" she actually DOES make her pay in the original version! The network cut out a short scene of Jessie and James getting beat up by the fat lady and the long-armed man, but the original version is available on video!!!
WHY was this cut? Too violent? Too weird? Who knows.
- In "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon", there is a scene that looks slightly odd. Right when Meowth laughs (after the "fuse is already lit") his face looks frozen for a second. That's because it is! Originally, Meowth was holding a lighter and actually lighting the fuse. The original is available on video, though!
WHY was this cut? I guess the network didn't want kids playing with fire because of Pokemon, so it was freeze-framed right after that shot.
- In "A Chansey Operation", Dr. Proctor accidentally gets injected with
a tranquilizer, but it never actually goes into his arm... on the network
version! Instead, it's freeze-framed (much like Meowth in the example
above). With the needle sticking out of his arm, Ash asks, "Are
you okay?" An irritated Dr. Proctor replies, "Do I look okay?"
before pulling it out of his arm.
WHY was this cut? I guess they thought it was too intense for the kiddies, so they removed it... but not from the video!
- Here's one you WON'T find anywhere in English! In "Snow Way Out", you'll recall that Team Rocket was sitting inside an "ugloo" when Jessie makes Snow Rolls like her mamma used to make. Meowth holds up a candle and says it's their last bit of heat. When it goes out, there only three "burned-out matches" left. But that's not what really happened!!!
In the original Japanese version, Meowth is holding a lit match, not a candle, in that first part. It blows out. There is a scene which was cut, in which Jessie talks to James about the Snow Rolls. In the background, Meowth goes through several matches that blow out almost instantly. Must be awfully cold in there, huh? Meowth then yells (as we end the cut scene) that there are only three matches left. TR decides that they should each take one as their last bit of heat. Meowth lights his and gazes into the flame... imagining himself in a hotspring. James is dreaming of being on the beach, and then Jessie pictures herself in the desert, bundled up, surrounded by stoves. When she comes out of her daydream, her match burns out and she realizes her partners are sound asleep.
WHY was this cut? Probably the "no playing with fire" story we dealt with before. But I just WISH, just once, that we could know what dialogue was cut from this scene! Obviously Jessie says SOMETHING! If anyone out there knows, especially if they have a translation of that part, PLEASE SEND IT! I'd *love* to know!
 Thanks to TinyFluffyEevee for this omission! Apparently, in "Pokemon Scent-Sation", where Jessie says she wants the perfume so she can be "as irresistable as Cleopatra", she actually imagines herself surrounded by boys!
But I don't get it. This scene was cut (available only on video) whereas a similar scene in "The Punchy Pokemon" was kept.
Do YOU see much difference? I sure don't...
Notice, however, the plentitude of 'bishonen' (pretty anime guys)
with long, blue and purple hair... hm, reminds me of someone else
we know!
From PKMNAll:
- In "Pokemon, I Choose You", Misty slaps Ash when he answers "I'm okay",
mistaking her concern for him instead of Pikachu
- In "Ash Catches a Pokemon", Misty slaps Ash again(a tad violent isn't
she? ~_^)after he wins the battle and proclaims he is the 'Greatest'
- In "The School of Hard Knocks", after Brock attempts to break up Ash
and Misty's arguement, and after the hole closes in on Pikachu waving,
Misty smacks Brock on the head with a log (geez, and they say Jessie
is violent :p)
- You may have noticed that Pikachu talks abnormally high pitched in
the first few episodes. That's because Racael Lillis was doing his voice
because 4Kids was having trouble salvaging it from the Japanese vesion
when other characters are talking over him.
- In "Here Comes the Squirtle Squad", the Squirtles actually threatened
to kill Misty if Ash didn't come back on time (0_o) (This explains the
scene where Ash imagines her falling into a pit.)
- In "The Problem with Paras", when Meowth explains how thay'll get
rich by becoming Cassandra's 'company mascot', he turns into a white
'maneki neko' or 'Beckoning Cat'. For cultural reasons (and not to confuse
everyone), they froze the image of Meowth standing there and kept his
mouth moving and his dialogue longer
- KidsWB is the only one that named the photographer "Todd" in every
other part of the world, he is called "Snap"
- In "Pokemon Paparazzi", when James is throwing the bombs at Ash, one
of the bombs wasn't shown, probably because it got too close to him.
But, when they recently showed this episode, all 3 bombs were shown.
Guess they changed their minds ^_^
- In "Volcanic Panic", only one thing in this episode was changed. It's
quite interesting too. You see, when Charizard deflected that huge Fire
Blast attack, in the English version, it floats off into the sky. Simple
as that, right? No. 4Kids did some real painting here to cover up a
little bit of Kanji (which is Japanese letters) humor the Japanese producers
slipped in there. First, let me tell you that the shape the giant Fire
Blast forms is the Japanese Kanji meaning 'Big' and so, after Charizard
managed to fling it off into the air, it becomes smaller on screen,
so the fire rearranges itself into the Kanji for 'Medium' and then as
it's flying off further into the distance it changes shape again into
the Kanji for 'Small', and this all happens in the exact same length
of time as in the English version, where the shape stays the same all
the way into the distance, 4Kids hoping the kids won't notice that the
formation of the fire is a Kanji.
From blackpersian:
- There is an old Mistake that the dubbers had reciently fixed, though
if you have the first episode " I choose you, Pikachu!", and
you recall Misty pulling Ash out of the water you hear a slapping noise.
In the japanese version, Misty slaps ash for thinking of himself and
not of his pikachu. You also hear slapping noises again in " Ash
Catches A Pokemon," When he summons Caterpie to battle Pigeotto
and Misty slaps him for using a bug pokemon to battle a flying type,
because flying types eat bug types. I will attach the cut version of
it to this e-mail.
From Gemma Bright: Images from Anime Intros/Endings:


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