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The Secret of MissingNoBy Mandy Nader Chapter 12: Escape from Glitch City
"What what happened here?" asked Rose, shrinking back against Entei. "Those Glitches did they do this?" "I I don't know," answered Eric, unable to keep the apprehension from his voice. Squaring his shoulders, he walked forward towards a half-collapsed cave entrance. "But we need to find out where we are and how we got here. Then we need to find a way to get out." The Professor pushed against a fallen tree blocking the street, but it refused to move. Eric knit his brows and flung himself bodily against the tree. He bounced off uselessly as the tree remained exactly in place, although the professor thought he saw a flash of random numbers as he connected with the unmovable tree. Angrily, Eric walked around the tree and ventured into the cave. "Hey, guys, these doors won't open!" called Rose, uselessly shoving at the entrance to the destroyed Gym. "They're not locked, but it's almost like they're not supposed to open." "These houses are the same way," added Entei from the opposite side of the cracked street. "Where is everyone?" The Legendary Pokemon shook his head. "And why do I keep seeing flashes of weird numbers and letters when I blink?" "Rose! Entei!" cried Stone's voice. "Help I'm stuck!" The two friends dashed over to the cave and attempted to extricate their companion. After several tense minutes of pulling on Eric's arms, they managed to get him loose. Eric gasped for breath. "I just walked inside, and I found that I couldn't move. I was essentially stuck to the ground. It doesn't make any sense." "This place doesn't make any sense," muttered Rose. "This is like some weird dream " Entei sniffed at the air. "I don't know if this means anything, but the air doesn't smell right here. In fact, it doesn't smell like anything at all." "Does this mean that this place is just an illusion?" asked Rose. "Maybe we never even left the city." "I doubt it. I could smell the city food from restaurants, people, Pokemon but there's nothing here," replied Entei. "We can't be 'nowhere'. It doesn't make logical sense," argued Stone, going into full Professor mode. "If we aren't in the city any longer, we must have been transported out somehow. And I'm certain it's got something to do with 'M and MissingNo." "Very good, Professor. I see they didn't hand you a diploma for nothing," echoed a familiar smarmy voice. "What the hell have you done, 'M?" demanded Entei as he readied a Flamethrower attack. "What have I done?" 'M's voice asked mockingly. "I've just eliminated the only hindrance to my domination of the world. You'll never escape Glitch City, which leaves MissingNo and I to do as we please." "Glitch City? I've never heard of it," said Rose. "Of course you haven't," the Glitch answered condescendingly. "MissingNo and I created it the moment we left that cursed island. With the extraordinary powers that Professor of yours gave us, it was quite simple to create our own 'glitch' in reality. You see, you fools never left the city. Not quite. I teleported you to an alternate reality version of the city one that MissingNo and I have already destroyed. Of course, now that we've trapped you three here, there is nothing to keep us from destroying the real Fuchsia City. None of those ignorant humans out there even knows what we are. How could they have the first clue to stopping us?" Entei bared his teeth. "So you're afraid of us." "Me? Afraid of pests like you?" 'M's voice shook with rage. Glitch City's sky turned black as thunder rolled ominously in the distance. "I should destroy you now for your insolence!" "Bring it, b*tch," growled Entei. "I'd like to see you try." "Perhaps later, after what's left of the world is cowering at my feet." 'M's voice regained its original snide calmness. "No sense expending unnecessary energy to destroy my powerless enemies." With a loud clap of thunder, the voice ceased, leaving the three friends alone in the silence. "It looks like our time is very limited. We have to escape this place and stop those Glitches before they cause any real damage," Eric said, determination in his voice. After hiding in fear for so long, it seemed his courage was finally coming back to him. "What about Kadabra's Teleport? We could all escape at once that way," suggested Entei. "Your brother said it got you all out of jail in one shot." "I've already thought of that. There's only one difficulty: Teleport deposits the user directly outside the last Pokemon Center visited and that was Cinnabar Island. Remember, the Pokemon Center we broke into?" Rose sighed. "Sapphire could Fly one person out, but how would the other two of us escape? And how could anyone get back here? This place technically doesn't exist." "There has to be a way out," said Entei resolutely. "There must be something we haven't thought of yet." A smile spread slowly across Rose's face. "Looks like it's time for another brilliant Team Rocket scam!" Eric groaned. "Can't we do things the legal way, just once?" Rose folded her arms across her chest. "I'm open to suggestions." "What have we got to lose? What's the idea, Rose?" asked Entei. Rose reached into her backpack and removed a small pink-and-aqua makeup case. "Presenting the Team Rocket Delightful Disguise Kit!" she announced, gesturing at the box as if she were a game-show model. Entei arched an eyebrow. "The what now?" "I'll never forget my first days of Rocket training," Rose said dreamily. "Impostor Oak's words of wisdom: many Rockets can totally disguise themselves with something as simple as a pair of glasses. Trainers and cops are stupid - they'll be on the lookout for a long-haired Team Rocket girl with a Meowth, a teenage boy with brown hair wearing a baseball cap, and a professor with a Kadabra. Jeremy's not traveling with us any more, plus now Entei's joined up with us. That alone might confuse the cops, but we're going to change our image even further." "You're not putting me in a dress," Eric stated firmly. "I've seen how some of these 'brilliant' Team Rocket schemes work." "Fine, then. If you're gonna be picky about it " Rose crossed her arms and scrutinized Eric's face. "Well at the very least, you can trade me your Kadabra to evolve it. Alakazams are a lot more powerful anyway." "I can live with that," said Eric, handing the Poke Ball to Rose, who handed him her Victreebel's ball in exchange. "If I know cops, they'll never make the connection that your Kadabra is my Alakazam." "What do you mean, your Alakazam?" Eric asked suspiciously. "You're not going to scam me out of my Pokemon, Ms. Rocket Girl." Rose blushed, a small bead of sweat forming on her right temple. "Um, no. Of course not. Besides, I gave you my Sprouty. It's a fair trade, right?" "I suppose " replied Eric, giving her a wary look. Entei just grinned. "I'm glad you're on our side." "Now before we go, we've got to alter your face a bit," Rose continued, pulling assorted makeup from her case. Eric winced. "Don't look so worried. I promise you won't look girly when I'm done." Entei watched in fascination as the Team Rocket girl transformed the youthful Eric Stone into a much older version of himself, penciling fine lines around his mouth and eyes. Giving his hair a once-over with a wide-tooth comb, she applied a handful of gooey blue gel to his head and slicked his hair straight back. Finally, she reached into the case again and pulled out a fine white powder, which she sprinkled liberally into the professor's chestnut-brown hair. "Impressive," said Entei as he witnessed the transformation. The professor now appeared to be in his fifties. "But what about you?" Rose handed Eric a pair of small lens-less glasses before rummaging in her disguise kit once again. "Piece of cake," she replied, pulling out hair elastics and ribbons. Within moments, Rose's hair was braided and twisted into two tiny pigtails held in place by purple ribbons. As she removed her large earrings and applied bright pink blush to her cheeks, Rose detailed her plan. "If we don't draw attention to ourselves, I'm sure we'll blend in with the typical Cinnabar crowd. From there, we can rush back to Fuchsia City and confront those Glitches." "And then what?" asked Entei. "I can probably out-muscle the weaker Glitch, but they've both got Water attacks. I don't know if I can take on both of them at once." "We have the element of surprise on our side," remarked Eric. "'M seemed convinced he had us permanently trapped here. Of course, he may be right " "We'll never know until we try," said Rose confidently. "Now, if you guys will excuse me for a moment, I've gotta go change " The Team Rocket girl grabbed her backpack and ducked behind one of the ruined houses, this time releasing her Blastoise as a guard before changing clothes. Within moments, she reemerged wearing her Team Rocket miniskirt, a cropped white shirt, and a bright purple scarf knotted around her neck. "Don't you look cute!" said Entei, drooling slightly. "Rose, I don't have any other clothes," Eric began. "And I'd really rather not wear the Team Rocket outfit any suggestions?" Reaching into her backpack again, Rose pulled out a long-sleeved denim shirt and tossed it to Eric. "Can you do anything with this? It's all I've got." "I think we can make this work," said Eric, knotting the shirt around his shoulders. He peered through the fake glasses and scowled slightly. "My good man, could you be so kind as to point us in the direction of the country club?" the disguised Professor drawled in a snooty-sounding accent. Entei grimaced. "I think you'd be better off if you didn't talk." ***** "Who's the kid talking to?" "Do you think he knows what's going on?" "I said show yourself, MissingNo!" Jeremy continued loudly, feeling an uncharacteristic rage boiling in his chest. "I challenge you to a battle! Unless you're afraid you'll lose " The crowd gasped as the ghostly Pokemon appeared in a haze of purple mist. "You fool," boomed MissingNo. "You really dare to challenge me in battle?" MissingNo smiled slowly. "I never realized we'd eliminate all of our opponents so early in the game. Pity, I almost wanted to toy with you longer after all, you're the only one left. Your brother and the others are gone forever " Jeremy blinked back tears of anger as he grabbed a Poke Ball from his belt. "You're not gonna distract me with your lies! This is it, Glitch I'm taking you down. Go, Scorch!" The well-trained Growlithe appeared in a flash of red light, wagging his tail excitedly. The purple-haired reporter turned to one of her camera operators. "Are you getting all this? This stuff is gold! We'll have network exclusivity!" she squealed happily. The cameraman gulped, but continued to film the battle before him. "Flamethrower attack!" MissingNo watched condescendingly as the fire attack connected with his body. "That's the best you can do?" he said mockingly. "I barely felt that." "Take Down!" Jeremy commanded. The puppy slammed into the Glitch Pokemon at top speed, but bounced off uselessly and fell to the ground with a small whimper. Jeremy inhaled sharply, clenching his fists so hard that his knuckles turned white. This thing was strong. "As amusing as this is, I've got better things to do," said MissingNo as it summoned a huge Surf wave and crashed it against the injured Growlithe. Cursing under his breath, Jeremy quickly recalled the fainted Pokemon into its ball. He snatched a second ball from his belt as MissingNo chuckled. "Go ahead, let all your Pokemon get knocked out. I know you don't have a chance to defeat me. I guess you'll have to see for yourself before you believe me." Seething with rage, Jeremy gritted his teeth and tossed another Poke Ball into the air. "Your turn, Nutri." Jeremy smirked as his massive Venusaur appeared. "I'm sure even you're smart enough not to water a Plant Pokemon," he taunted. "You think that one attack is all I've got?" MissingNo asked, shooting a plume of flame from his mouth. Jeremy's eyes widened as his beloved Venusaur shuddered and tottered from side to side, badly singed. "How " was all he got out before MissingNo's raucous laughter interrupted him. "That 'Boss' person wasn't impressed by my ability to mimic the opposing Pokemon's type. He underestimated me, just as you have done." While MissingNo prattled on, Jeremy's mind clicked onto something. If that thing becomes the same type as the last Pokemon it faced "Go, Nightmare!" Jeremy called as he recalled his Venusaur and hurled another Poke Ball. MissingNo looked at the Hypno skeptically. "You can summon as many Pokemon as you like, you'll never defeat me," sneered MissingNo as he launched another Surf attack. "Reflect!" commanded Jeremy, ignoring MissingNo's taunts. A moment later, a rainbow-colored shield surrounded his Hypno. The shield deflected the wave, scattering water in all directions. MissingNo looked unimpressed. "You're just delaying the inevitable." "Not quite," Jeremy replied smugly. "Psychic attack!" MissingNo reeled slightly from the hit. "I'll show you-" The Glitch's threat was cut off by two familiar voices shouting commands. "Ice Beam!" called the female voice. "Fire Blast!" ordered the male voice. MissingNo screamed in agony as the two super-effective moves pummeled his now Grass- and Poison-type body. "Rose! Eric! Entei!" Jeremy yelled in surprise, turning around to face the approaching trainers and Pokemon. "You're all right!" "No thanks to those Glitches," said Rose angrily, climbing off her Articuno's back. "Sapphire, don't let that thing get away!" But as the Ice Bird darted forward, MissingNo faded away. "You'll never defeat me " the Glitch vowed as its body became transparent. "Three direct critical hits barely touched me. I told you, I'm invincible " The battle ended, most of the crowd began to disperse, going back to their business. Nurses continued to treat injured Pokemon, while police officers hurried the remaining curious onlookers on their way. Rose groaned. "I didn't even get to catch it!" she cried, looking down at the shiny new Master Ball in her hands. "Where did that come from?" asked Jeremy. "I thought your Master Ball was lost the last time we battled those things." Rose grinned cheerfully. "If I tell you, that'll make you an accomplice." Eric shook his head. Once a Rocket, always a Rocket, it seemed. "You might as well take a couple," Rose continued, passing out Master Balls to the Stone brothers. "You never know when those Glitches might show up again, and I think these Master Balls are more advanced than the ones we had before." "Better make sure we leave an empty slot on our battle teams then," muttered Jeremy, finally beginning to calm down. "Just because we've got better Master Balls doesn't mean those things are any safer to catch." "I still don't think they'll work on the first try," commented Eric, turning the ball over in his hands. "No Poke Ball technology can automatically master something that powerful. We'll need to weaken the Glitches just like any other Pokemon before we can catch them." Entei growled. "And how the hell are we supposed to do that? Our attacks barely touched it and it escaped. Again." "I'm not so sure about that," added Rose. "If we really didn't hurt MissingNo, it wouldn't have fled like that. I think it's afraid of us or maybe just afraid to lose." "So as soon as the glitch takes damage, it runs away and heals up. Sounds pretty cheap to me," snarled Entei. "And what, you want to give them a lesson in fighting fair?" Rose grinned. "Good luck." "They seem almost human, but not in a good way. I mean, I never thought Pokemon could be so cunning and deceptive," Jeremy said in amazement. "I almost can't believe those things are Pokemon." "They're glitches unfinished experiments trying to create the world's most powerful creature," Eric said, mostly to himself. "We dug our own grave by making them as strong as possible. The only thing that could even come close to their strength is the real Mewtwo. And nobody seems to remember what happened to it. After it destroyed the laboratory that created it, Mewtwo vanished." "What about your lab?" asked Jeremy. "Those two glitches escaped, but there had to be other experiments you guys were working on." An uneasy look came over Eric's face. "Well " "Come on, MissingNo said that your boss wasn't impressed with it. So obviously you were making something better." "I'd hoped it wouldn't come to that," the former Professor said slowly. "I vowed I'd never work in that lab again " "What? You mean there's something still alive in the lab?" asked Rose anxiously. "Lord forgive me," Eric muttered to himself. "I honestly don't know." |