Meowth's Party!

Well, Pokemon fans, are you one of the elite...
One of the select few...
One of da very lucky who saw my video, Meowth's Party? It's da coolest video ever, much better than that stupid "Pikachu's Jukebox".
*sniff* That's true, but quite unfortunately, this video was only shown a few times...
But at least it was featured in Pokemon Channel... even though we were nowhere in sight!
Would youse two quit yappin? Da site visitors didn't come here ta listen to youse two flappin yer lips! They want da lyrics to my favorite song!

Meowth's Party (English)

Sung by:
Jessie and James

Bumblin' and fumblin', Screwin' up and stumblin'
Looks like Team Rocket's blastin' off again!
We're always stinkin', it got me ta thinkin'
And now Meowth has got the perfect plan!

I'll throw a party, admission will be free!
It'll be a snap, when they walk right in my trap!
It's never been such fun, stealin' lots of Pokemon
Humans ain't invited cause I said so...
Once they hit the dance floor, dat's when they're done for
Dis is one scheme even we can't blow!

Meowth, Meowth, Meowth, this party is so exciting!
It's gonna be the biggest bash of the year!
Meowth, Meowth, Meowth, won't you tell us who you're inviting?
Everyone who's anyone is gonna be here!
Meowth, Meowth, Meowth, Oh this party's not for fighting!

Ice cream for everyone, there's nothing to fear!

Go, Cat, Go!

At Meowth's Party, blast off at the speed of light!
For one night only, no Pokemon is lonely!

At Meowth's Party, Team Rocket's not gonna fight!
So move your feet to the sound of the beat!

At Meowth's Party, don't tell the Boss 'bout tonight!
I wish this party could go on forever...

That's such a cute song, isn't it, James? Although I think we should have had more lines...
Cute, but don't you think the song loses something in the translation?
That's right! The English version is nothing at all like the original Japanese one.

Just cause I'm in such a generous mood, I'm gonna give youse da Japanese version and da translation too!

Japanese Meowth's Party
Go BACK to TR's Rockin!