To * Itteru Nya

Thanks to Lilipea13 for sending these lyrics from Meowth and Togepi!
Meowth sings about how he can translate Pokemon talking to one another.

Sung by:
Zenigame (Squirtle)
Fushigidane (Bulbasaur)
Yadon (Slowpoke)
Koduck (Psyduck)

Pokemon language goes Pika-dane-zeni-kage-myuu *
Human language goes "A-i-u-e-o-ma-mi-mo-me-mu" (Japanese "alphabet" sounds)
Which of the two can you understand well?
Which of the two can't you understand well?

Open your ears and come listen, nya
Zenigame and Fushigidane are
Talking about something, nya

Zeniii game. Zenigame game game ga.
("Nyasu's 'AB' is playing!" so it says, nya)

Dane? Dane dane fushigi dane dane fushigi.
("What do you mean, 'AB'?" so it says, nya)

Zeeee... niiii... gaaaa...
("AB...C...D er, it's 'CD'! Nyasu's CD is playing!")

So they say, nya

What was that?

Open your ears and come listen, nya
Yadon and Koduck are
Talking about something, nya

("And so..." so its says, nya)

Koduck! Kokokokoduck!
("That's awful!" so it says, nya)

("But I haven't said anything yet..." so it says, nya)

Koduck. Kokokokodakku! Kodaaaakku
("That's good. Then I don't have to worry." so it says, nya)

("Sorry for worrying you.")

So they say, nya

What peaceful fellows, nya

Open your ears and come listen, nya
Caterpie and Pikachu are
Talking about something, nya

("Look! The moon is pretty." so it says, nya)

Pika pikaaaa!
("It's a full moon." so it says, nya)

Biii biiii
("I hope I can fly up to that moon real soon." so it says, nya)

Pi pika pika chuu?
("You can fly?" so it says, nya)

Biiii biii biii
("When I evolve into a Butterfree, I'll have big wings." so it says, nya)

Piiii?!? Pika!
("Waa! Is that it? That's great!" so it says, nya)

Biiii biiiiii
("Pikachu, you can come too. You can fly with me." so it says, nya)

Pika! Pika! Pikachuuu!
("That's great! That's great! Caterpie is great!" so it says, nya)

What a nice conversation, nya...

Open your ears and come listen, nya
Oh, even tomorrow, somewhere
Someone and someone will be talking about something, nya

And so words from the heart are passed on, nya
Little by little you're sure to understand it
Even if you don't have Nyasu to translate...

* Pika-dane-zeni-kage-myuu - Japanese ABC's translated into Pokemon names. Pikachu - Fushigidane (Bulbasaur) - Zenigame (Squirtle) - Hitokage (Charmander) - Myuu (Mew)

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